
Major European Theater Battles

  • Battle of France/Miracle of Dunkirk

    Battle of France/Miracle of Dunkirk
    Evacuation from the beaches and harbor of Dunkirk, in the north of France. The British Force was sent to help defend. A series of Allied counter-attacks including the Battle of Arras failed to the German spearhead. The Germans halted their advance on Dunkirk which was very controversial as it seemed unlike the Germans. In the end more than 330,000 Allied troops were rescued from the beach. The impact showed the British courage and gallantry under fire. Ended June 4, 1940.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    Royal Air Force of the united Kingdom defended against attacks by Nazi Germany's air force, the Luftwaffe. It has been called the first major military campaign fought entirely by air forces. The objective of the German forces was to force Britain to agree to a peace treaty. The Luftwaffe mainly targeting shipping boats and ports Eventually it employed terror bombing on areas of significance and on civilians. The significance showed the change of technology in war. Ended Oct 31, 1940.
  • Battle of Leningrad

    Battle of Leningrad
    It was a prolonged siege on the city of Leningrad which now is St. Petersburg. It was also called the 900 day siege. Leningrad’s entire able-bodied population was mobilized to build antitank defense along the city’s perimeter for the city’s 200,000 Red Army defenders. Vital rail and other supply lines to the Soviet interior cut off by November. The siege claimed 650,000 soldier lives in 1942 alone. This showed the strength as the soviet union held only 15% of the army. Ended Jan 27, 1944.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    Largest battle of WW2 as the allies and German forces fought for the Soviet's city Stalingrad. Also the bloodiest with 1.8-2 million casualties. The allies won and defeated the German force making it very costly defeat. The battle started with a intense bombing but turned to house to house fighting. The Axis powers in Stalingrad had depleted their supplies and food and were only supplied by planes. The battle marked the end of German advances into Russia and Europe. Ended Feb 2, 1943.
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    Landings in French North Africa were proposed by Britain but the US still wanted to in France. Operation Torch was the first time the British and Americans had worked on a plan together. The plan was to invade Sicily and then on to Italy and move up the bottom of Europe. Vichy government in France was seen by the Allies to work with Germany. There were 60,000 French troops to help. George Patton led the force. This signified the first of Britain and the Us working together. Ended Nov 10, 1942.
  • D-Day

    425,000 Allied and German troops were killed. The battle was fought in Normandy, France. D-Day was the largest amphibious invasion in history. More than 160,000 Allied troops fought. General Dwight D. Eisenhower commanded the operation. More than 13,000 aircraft and 5,000 ships supported the operation on the allied side proved to be a turning point in World War II. Signified the freedom of France and the conclusion of Germany. Ended June 6th 1944.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    It was the last major German offensive campaign on the Western Front during World War II. It was launched through the forested Ardenne region in eastern Belgium, northeast France, and Luxembourg. The surprise attack caught the Allied forces completely off guard with no one ready. The battle also severely depleted Germany's armored forces as it was the last push. Little communication to keep the plan in secrecy. This battle signified the German defeat and the end of WW2. Ended January 25, 1945.
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle of Berlin
    Encompassed the attack by three Soviet Army Groups to capture Berlin and the territory of the German east still under German control. To capture the capital of the Third Reich was decided during the initial phases. There was fighting in the city as the Red Army fought its way, street by street. The Soviets had 2,500,000 soldiers, 7,500 aircraft, and 6,250 tanks in the battle. About one million Red Army soldiers died. It was the last major battle in Europe during World War II. Ended May 2, 1945.