Major European Theater Battles

  • Battle of France/Miracle of Dunkirk

    Battle of France/Miracle of Dunkirk
    This was the evacuation of the British and Allied troops from the French seaport of Dunkirk. Approximately 1,000 ships and vessels participated in the evacuation, and saved over 340,000 Allied troops during the duration of the battle. The German battle strategy of Blitzkrieg was also displayed during this battle. It ended on June 4th.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    This was the successful defense of Great Britain against the German Air force also known as Luftwaffe. An estimated 1000 German planes were lost during the battle, this was one of the first major defeats that Germany experienced during WWI. The city smelt of decaying corpses in the end. If Great Britain had lost, this would have left them exposed to the German army. This also helped lead to the eventual defeat of the Nazi party. The battle ended on October 31st of 1940.
  • Battle of Leningrad

    Battle of Leningrad
    This war was after Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union in 1941. German's Finnish approached the north side of Leningrad. Leningrad had a standing army of 200,000 people. This battle was also known as the 900 day siege, because it spanned over an 872 day time period, and over 650,000 citizens of Leningrad citizens lost their lives.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    This battle was the successful Soviet defense of Stalingrad, and This was in favor of the Allies. It is estimated that around 91,000 German soldiers were captured during this battle.This battle stretched along the banks of the Volga river. If this battle was lost it would have cut Soviet transport links and helped the Nazi party win the war. This battle ended on February 2, 1943.
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    This operation was the invasion of Africa by the Allies. It started on November 8th, 1942. This was the first time that the British and Americans worked together on a plan together. During this operation, 60,000 French troops were sent to Morocco with a minuscule naval fleet.The amphibious land played a key role during this operation.
  • Battle of Bulge

    Battle of Bulge
    This battle was when Hitler attempted to split Allied armies in Northwest Europe by the means of Blitzkrieg. The Allied line too the appearance of a large bulge, hence the name. On December 16th, a quarter-million German troops launched a deadly battle in the West that caught the Americans off-guard, yet it ended poorly for the Germans and lead to their defeat eventually.
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle of Berlin
    This war was fought between the Germany Army and the Soviet Union. The Soviets had 2,500,000 soldiers, 7,500 aircraft, and 6,250 tanks on their side. The German's had 1,000,000 soldiers, 2,200 aircraft, and 1,500 tanks. During this time, Germany was turning to anyone they could for help, the sick, young, elderly, etc. In the end, the Soviets surrounded the city of Berlin, and Nazi Germany signed a surrender to the allies and the war was finished on May 2nd of 1945.
  • D-Day

    D-Day is also known as the battle of Normandy, which lasted till august of 1944. During this battle, 156,000 American, British, and Canadian forces landed on a span of 5 beaches. This battle took place along Frances heavily fortified coast of Normandy region. Because this battle was going to be of large importance, it took months to plan. This was significant because it was known as the beginning of the end of the war.