Major European Theater Battles

  • Battle of France

    Battle of France
    The German invasion of France. After Germany's army forced the British to retreat and leave France to fight for itself. France and Germany would eventually sign an armistice that gave the Nazis control of the west, north, and Zone Libra. France would stay under Axis control until 1944.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    An air campaign where Germany's Luftwaffe and Britain's Royal Air Force battled for four months.Germany planned to have the RAF destroyed so that it would be easier to invade Britain. The Luftwaffe targeted RAF airfields, aircraft factories, along with towns and cities. The first defeat of Germany's military. The first first major campaign to be fought entirely by air force.
  • Battle of Leningrad

    Battle of Leningrad
    Lasting for nearly 900 days, this battle was a German siege on the Soviet city of Leningrad. If Hitler would have taken control of this city, he would have taken the Soviet's largest arms factories, shipyards, and steelworks.Leningrad was also the first city Hitler failed to take and the first failure of the blitzkrieg strategy.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    The largest conflict to happen during the war. Germany's defeat here signaled the end of their advancement into eastern Europe and Russia. This also Germany's first major defeat in the war. This battle had done significant damage on the German's morale and resources. The Russian's victory also allowed to completely push the Nazis out of Russia.
  • Operation Torchwood

    Operation Torchwood
    The Allied invasion of French North Africa. Britain and Russia saw the Vichy government as collaborators with Nazi Germany. Algeria and Morocco were the nations to be invaded. This was also America's first offensive operation in the European theater. This operation would allow the Allies to later invade Italy and relieved the Soviet Union of Hitler's forces since it forced them to fight on a second front.
  • D-Day

    D-Day,also known as the Invasion of Normandy, was the Allied invasion of continental Europe. The main goal of this was to take control of the city of Caen, an important strategic location. Over 425,000 German and Allied soldiers as well as civilians perished during the invasion. D-Day is also known as a war of attrition, where an Allied victory was practically guaranteed through their superior numbers and supplies.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    Nazi Germany's last attempt to win the war and the largest battle on the western front. The Germans planned to go through the Ardennes to capture the port of Antwerp to severely weaken the Allies. Germany experienced great and crippling losses of men and tanks. They were defeated by the 101 airborne, General Patton's armoured units, and unlucky weather.
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle of Berlin
    The Soviet invasion of Germany's capital. The Nazis were severely outnumbered and outgunned, so much so that tens of thousands of their troops were children and senior citizens. While the Soviet soldiers and tanks were invading, the Germans used guerrilla warfare tactics to fight back. On May 2, Berlin surrendered and this eventually led to the end of the war itself.