Major European Theater Battles

  • Miracle of Dunkirk

    Miracle of Dunkirk
    Miracle of Dunkirk went from May 27, 1940 to June 4, 1940.
    The code name for the battle of Dunkirk was Operation Dynamo
    The British Prime Minister called this a "a colossal military disaster"
    The Belgium army surrender which left a gap in the war
    There was an evacuation of 338,000 allied and British troops
    Other civilians came to helped rescued the soldiers
    Lots of people came to save the soldiers which showed the public support during WWII
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    Jul 10, 1940 – Oct 31, 1940.
    Hitler tried to get Britain to surrender without fighting.
    This battle was the first battle to be fought in the air
    It was a bombing of 16 British cities by Germany
    This was the first time troops used radar during a war
    Most of the pilots were from foreign places
    This was suppose to make the British to surrender for good, and it was suppose to break the morale of British people.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    Jul 17, 1942 - Feb 2, 1943
    Hitler's troops invaded Russia without declaring war
    The amounts of bombing caused mass causalities
    The citizens were told they can't retreat because they might have to fight.
    The lifespan of a new soldier in the battle was 1 day
    The Russians set up snipers, they killed 3,000 Germans
    This should Hitler that the Soviet Union was very strong. Since Hitler couldn't take them he put his attention to another battle.
  • Battle of Leningrad

    Battle of Leningrad
    Sep 8, 1941 – Jan 27, 194.
    The lack of food had caused people to turn into cannibalistic

    People kept trying to steal food so they made stealing food a penalty of death
    Everything from books to art was burned to help keep people warm
    Hitler's main goal was to starve people to death
    The death toll of civilians was around 1 million
    This showed people how awful and brutal Hitler and the Nazi's really were
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    The battle went from November 8, 1942 to November 10, 1942.
    The allies had attacked on North America.
    There was 60,000 troops waiting in Italy
    The US and the UK were allied
    The Germans were the axis of the battle
    The soldiers planned on attacking from two sides, North Africa and Itally
    The importance of this battle was the allies and the other armies were finally getting close to defeating the Nazi's
  • D-Day

    The D-Day battle lasted from June 1944 to August 1944.
    The battle took up the span of 50 miles on the coast of France's Normandy.
    Due to weather had delayed the battle for 24 hours
    One week before the end of the battle Hitler committed suicide
    The Allies set up a campaign and the Germans believed that the target was in another place
    Lots of people believe that this is a major battle during WWII, this battle gave France their freedom.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    Dec 16, 1944 – Jan 25, 1945.
    The allied army missed the warning signals that were sent out
    US division troops had gotten killed because of the lack of phone connection
    German soldiers stole Us uniforms to defeat the allies from the inside
    This was the first time the US army was considered desegregated
    Hitler's generals were against all this distruction
    This event in important because it was the final battle for the Nazi's
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle of Berlin
    Apr 16, 1945 – May 2, 1945.
    This was the last major battle in Europe.
    Stalin was worried the US troops would get there before his troops did
    The last battle only lasted 4 days
    Every soviet troops started rampaging and killing everyone in there path
    The Russians main goal was raise there flag over Berlin
    The importance of this was, it was the last battle of WWII and the death of Adolf Hitler