Major European Theater Battles_Brooklynn.S P4

  • Battle of France/ Miracle of Dunkirk

    Battle of France/ Miracle of Dunkirk
    It was the evacuation of the British Expeditionary Force and the other Allied troops from the French seaport of Dunkirk. Hundreds of civilian boats were used Dunkirk the evacuation. Facts
    1The estimate was that just 45,000 men would be evacuated, instead over 300,000 were.
    2 933 vessels were involved in the evacuation
    3 About 40,000 never made it and became POW
    4 Hitler being unable too capture the British army is considered a turning point in the war.
    5 Those who were captured became laborers
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    The German and British air forced clashed in the largest bombing campaign in the skies of Britain. Britain's victory saved them from a ground invasion and proved air force could be used to win a battle. Facts
    1 Not all the pilots were British
    2 All of the RAF defended Britain
    3 It was a defensive victory for Britain
    4 The British had a highly developed air defensive
    5 There were several phases during the war
  • Battle of Leningrad

    Battle of Leningrad
    After the Nazis invaded the Soviet Union they surrounded the city of Leningrad. Their plan was to starve those trapped within to death. The city tried to establish supply lines and evacuate the citizens. They successfully drove out the Nazis in 1944. Facts
    1 The death toll was over 1,000,000
    2 The mass starvation led to cannibalism
    3 books and paintings were burnt for warmth
    4 Hitler wanted the town to starve
    5 The penalty for stealing food was death
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    The battle was a Soviet defense to prevent the Germans from advancing into the soviet union and marked a turning point in the war. Facts
    1 Hitler was furious with General Paulus for loosing
    2 German takes had trouble fighting in the streets
    3 In 1945, Stalingrad was given the title Hero City
    4 The German army lost more than 750,000 men
    5 around 91,000 German soldiers were captured
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    Operation torch was the name given to the allied invasion were the British and America invaded French North Africa. This was the firs time the two had joined together as a force on an invasion Facts
    1 About 500 allies were killed, 700 injured
    2 the allies were commanded by General Dwight D. Eisenhower
    3 a total of 136 ships were released from Americas harbor
    4 After Admiral Darlan had agreed to support the Allies French resistance came to an end
    5 The French's naval strength was a huge concern
  • D-day

    D-day occurred during the battle of Normandy. D-day was when about 156,000 american, Canadian and British soldiers landed on five beaches along the stretch of France's heavily guarded Normandy region Facts
    1 D-day was going to be on June 5th but was put off due to bad weather
    2 The "D" stood purely for secrecy
    3 James Doohan was a lieutenant and went on to be Scotty in Star Trek
    4 The newly made drug penicillin was given to troops saving many
    5 Hitler was asleep when the 1st invasion arrived
  • Battle of Bulge

    Battle of Bulge
    Hitler was attempting the split up the allies. The allied line took shape of a bulge giving the battle it's name. Though the Germans brought heavy causalities upon the allies they managed to fight off the Germans and remained united. Facts
    1 the allies were oblivious to several warning signs
    2 German soldiers used stolen US uniforms to sneak in an cause chaos
    3 Thick fog and snow rendered the US air force useless
    4 Hitler's generals advised against it
    5 Fuel shortage hindered the Germans
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle of Berlin
    This was the last major battle of WII mainly fought between the Soviet Union and the German army. The Soviets were bombing Berlin and Hitler realized this would lead to ultimately losing. Facts
    1 The battle leftover a million Germans homeless
    2 About 150,000 Polish soldiers fought with the Soviet Union
    3 Realizing he had lost Hitler committed suicide
    4 Over a million Russian soldiers were awarded with a Medal
    5 Stalin wanted to get their first to gain the nuclear research site