Major European Theater Battles- Maddy Lewis

  • Battle of France/Miracle of Dunkirk

    Battle of France/Miracle of Dunkirk
    -hitler failed to take the British army at Dunkirk, and many consider this one of the major turning points in the war
    -a total of over 140,000 Polish, French and Belgium troops were taken as POW's
    -Many of those who were captured forced marched into Germany and served as slaves labor for the Nazis party
    -on the first evauation day, only 8,000 troops were rescued
    -The phrase “Dunkirk spirit” is used to celebrate people who pull together in a time of extreme hardship.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    -The Battle of Britain was named by Winston Churchill when he said "the Battle of France is over. The Battle of Britain is about to begin."
    -The Germans decided to focus on attacking the Royal Airforce because the British Airforce poised a large threat
    -Hitler began bombing the smaller cities,he started bombing large cities including London
    -Because the British utilized radar, they were able to defeat the Germans
    -The code name for Hitler was Operation Sea Lion.
  • Siege of Leningrad

    Siege of Leningrad
    -this was also called the 900-day siege, September 8, 1941–January 27, 1944
    -there was a death toll of over 1,000,000 people in the city
    -many of the people who perished died from starvation, freezing to death, and the constant amount of bombs that were dropped by the Germans
    -the Germans planned to quickly freeze and starve the city.
    -over 1.4 million people being evacuated during three phases.
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    -Operation Torch was the first time that the US and the British worked together on an invasion plan
    -the plan was to invade Italy near Sicily and take up time and resources
    -20,000 US and British troops were used, each contributing about 50% of the total troops
    -there were around 2,000 total casualties (from both the Axis and Allied powers)
    -this invasion resulted in a big win for the Allied Powers and confirmed the US and British friendship
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    -this battle happened because Hitler invaded the Soviet Union without declaring war
    -the majority of the battles were fought in the streets with civilians present
    -the Germans started with 270,000 German military personnel, 500 tanks, 3,000 artillery pieces and 600 aircrafts
    -1,120,000 Soviet armed forces were declared dead or missing, while the Germans 850,000 military personnel were killed
    -the continuous bombing from the Germans resulted in the streets smelling like decaying flesh
  • D-Day

    -this was the largest water-based invasion in history
    -the Allied Powers used more than13,000 aircraft and 5,000 ships to complete the mission
    -the original date for the invasion was June 5 but had to be delayed for 24 hours because of a very severe storm
    -penicillin went with troops on D-Day and saved thousands of lives from infection and disease
    -Around 6,000 Allied troops were killed or declared missing, while around 9,000 Geman lives were lost
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    • Allied victory: German advances were pushed away
    • Was fought between December 16th to January 25th -Over 89500 Allied troops were either killed, wounded, or taken as POWs, while the Germans lost over 100000 lives, with an estimated 3000 of them civilians -Germany had a total of over 200000 troops fight, while the Allies had originally only sent 80000 -Hitler's goal was to force the Allied Powers to try to make a peace treaty in the Axis Powers’ favor allowing him to focus on the East
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle of Berlin
    -April 16, 1945 and lasted until May 2, 1945. This was fought between the Soviet Union and Germany
    -this battle made Germany surrender
    -the battle left over one million Germans without homes, food, clean water, or even shelter
    -361000 Soviet Union troop were either killed or wounded, while Germany lost 334000 lives, 22000 of them being citizens
    - on May 2nd, the German generals surrendered, and on May 7th, the entire Nazi party sighned an unconitional surrender to the Allies