Major European Theater Battles

  • Battle of France

    Battle of France
    -Ended June 25
    -The troops were trapped in Dunkirk after being pushed back by Germans.
    -called "the miracle of Dunkirk" because of a storm that grounded the German fighter planes giving the allies a chance to leave.
    -about 860 ships ranging in size were used for the operation.
    -around 360,000 allied troops were saved
    -The German used a blitzkreig strategy to push the allied troops back to the ocean.
    -significance is it was the biggest evacuation in history and saved many troops.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    -ended October 31 1940
    -Britain won and stopped the German Ground attack
    -First battle to be fought entirely in the air.
    -Largest air bombing campaign to this day.
    -The Germans bombed London for 57 consecutive nights.
    -got its name from Winston Churchill's speech
    -significance is it was fought all in the air and it saved Britain from a German ground attack
  • Battle of Leningrad

    Battle of Leningrad
    -ended January 27, 1944
    -German army surrounded the city of Leningrad
    -the city was evacuated using water roads
    -also known as the 900 day seige
    -More than 1 million lives were lost during the battle
    -Germany kept up the siege with only one army.
    -significance was that the Germans were able to hold the siege with much fewer numbers than the soviets inside the city.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    -Ended February 2nd 1943
    -Stalin held Germans from gaining any territory
    -First major loss of the German army.
    -One of the bloodiest battles in history. More than 2,000,000 civilians died.
    -After the war, the Germans were mostly defensive.
    --soviet army kept Germans away from the city of Stalingrad
    -Importance is it changed the tides of the war and the Allies were now in favor of winning.
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    -Ended November 11th
    -invasion to capture Algeria and Morocco
    -America and British planners argued argued about the drop location of the operation
    -It was the first invasion where the U.S and the U.K supplied troops
    -The invasion was successful and greatly helped allies supply future battles to come.
    -called operation torch due to the extensive arguing of the allied planners.
    -Significance is the location of that was captured greatly aided allies in future battles.
  • D-day

    -started at 6:30 am and ended just after dark
    -was supposed to happen on June 5th but was cancelled for rain.
    -4,000 allied troops died during the invasions and thousands more were injured or missing
    -Hitler had hesitated to send in reinforcements to the invasion because he thought it was just a distraction

    -Allies did not reach the Seine River until the end of august where Paris was liberated.
    The importance of D-day is that it changed the tides of the war and gave the allied forces hope.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    -ended January 25
    -Got its name because the German troops had the appearance of a bulge.
    -The Germans launched more than 250,000 troops
    -Last attack that the Germans performed.
    -Most deadly battle of the war.
    -The German objective was to split the allied troops with a blitzkrieg.
    -The U.S. lost close to 70,000 troops and Germany lost 100,000
    -significance is after the u.s.u troops had been pushed back, They regained all the land they lost and the defeat of Germany was only a matter of time
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle of Berlin
    -ended the may 2nd 1945
    -Russian attack on the city of Berlin.
    -over 2 million artillery shells were fired into the city.
    -the Russians greatly outnumbered German troops that were defending the city but Hitler kept sending more and more troops to help defend which led to lots of deaths.
    -It is said the when Russians were fired at from a building they would just destroy the whole building.
    -The battle ended the war.
    -The significance is it was the last battle fought before Germany surrendered.