Major European Theater Battles

  • Dunkirk

    May 27, 1940 – Jun 4, 1940,
    More than 300,000 troops were evacuated by Britain and France,
    1,200 boater were used to move troops across the water,
    Winston Churchill gave one of his most famous speeches because of Dunkirk,
    The Allies were being trapped on all sides by the Germans,
    The Dunkirk harbor was bombed out of use
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    7/10/1940 - 10/31/1940
    Major air campaign to gain superiority over the Royal Air Force,
    Fought over Southern England,
    Britain fought alone against Hitler's power,
    Not all of the pilots on the Royal Air Force were British,
    40,00 British civilians were killed
  • Battle of Leninggrad

    Battle of Leninggrad
    9/8/1941 - 1/27/1944
    More than one million civilians died,
    An ice and water road was being put into use across Lake Ladoga,
    Only symbolic significance was held with possession of Leningrad,
    It is also called 900-day siege,
    The German army surrounded the city of Leningrad
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    7/17/1942 - 2/3/1943
    800,000 Axis casualties,
    Is considered one of the bloodiest battles in history,
    Stalingrad is now the "Hero city of the Soviet Union",
    Considered a turning point in WWII,
    After the defeat, the German Army retreated,
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    11/08/1942 - 11/10/942
    The Allies invaded Italy,
    60,000 French Troops in Morrocco,
    The key to the plan was a water and land landings,
    The landings were on three beaches, Casablanca, Oran, and Alegiers
    The landings were highly successful,
  • D-Day

    June 1944- August 1944
    In result, Western Europe was set free from Nazi control.
    One of the largest military assaults fought at land and sea.
    The allies created a plan of deception that used fake weapons.
    The invasion was delayed twenty-four hours due to weather conditions.
    It began to change who was the leading power in the war.
  • Battle of The Bulge

    Battle of The Bulge
    12/16/1944 - 1/25/1945
    Largest battle fought on the Western front of Europe in WWII,
    600,000 American troops were involved,
    190,000 casualties including both sides,
    Allies won,
    Largest battle ever fought by the United States Army
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle of Berlin
    4/16/1945 - 5/2/1945
    Last Major battle of WWII fought in Europe,
    Ended Hitler's rule,
    Almost a quarter million people died,
    The Soviets started bombing Berin,
    The battle was hard for Germnas to recover from