Major European Theater Battles

  • Battle of France

    Battle of France
    Germany used Blitzkrieg strategy to invade France
    Mussolini declared war on Allies
    French surrendered through a cease-fire agreement
    France, Belgium, and Britain launched an operation to rescue captive troops
    Germany occupied France for only 2 years This battle caused the collapse of the 3rd French Republic.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    Germany had a goal to destroy Britain's air force
    Hitler's invasion plans were called Operation Sea Lion
    Germany bombs Britain
    Britain was bombed 57 days in a row at one point
    Germany stopped because they needed to invade Russia This was the first major battle to be fought with only air forces.
  • Siege of Leningrad

    Siege of Leningrad
    German invasion of the USSR's 2nd largest city
    This siege lasted 872 days
    Around 1.5 million people died
    Each year the city celebrates the day the siege ended
    Books, houses, and valuables were burned This siege led to Germany being humiliated after their general surrendered because the Russian blockade successfully defended them.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    German Luftwaffe bombed Stalingrad, Russia
    91,000 German soldiers were captured
    Germany had to surrender and Hitler took away the general's rank
    German tanks had trouble navigating the city because of rubble and rough terrain
    Soviet army was led by General Zhukov This battle marked the end of Germany's advances into Russia and other parts of eastern Europe.
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    Britain and America invade Northwest Africa
    First time Britain and America worked together on an invasion plan
    First airborne assault by the US during the war
    500 allied soldiers killed
    US wanted to focus on Europe instead of Japan This battle postponed the landing of France until 1944.
  • D Day

    D Day
    Allied forces invaded Northern France
    Code name was Operation Overlord
    Commanded by Dwight D. Eisenhower
    13,000 aircraft and 5,000 ships were involved
    The "D" doesn't stand for anything; D-day is a term for the day a military operation begins This invasion led to the freedom of France and is considered the most important event of WWII.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    Major factor in ending WWII
    Heavy casualties and losses for both sides
    Dwight D. Eisenhower played a significant role
    Allies lost 300 tanks and 300 aircraft, Germany lost 700 tanks and 1,600 aircraft
    Largest battle fought on western front during WWII This battle marked the last major Nazi offensive of WWII and Germany was not able to launch another attack on the Allies.
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle of Berlin
    Last major battle in Europe during WWII
    Germany VS Soviets, Germany was greatly outnumbered
    German army surrenders and Hitler commits suicide
    150,000 Polish soldiers fought with the Soviet Union
    Left over 1 million Germans without food, water, or shelter This was the final battle of WWII and marked the end of Hitler's reign.