Major European Theater Battles

  • Dunkirk Evacuation

    Dunkirk Evacuation
    It was the evacuation of the British Expeditionary Force from the Dunkirk seaport in France. Was during Germany's take over of France. Was highly improbable but achieved with some help through the British Air Force. Were able to get some French and other Allied forces out as well though they had to leave most of their equipment. Admiral Bertram Ramsay had overall command of the operation,
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    It was a battle between the British and German Air Forces over the UK. Was the largest sustaining bombing campaign to the date. Lasted for about four months. Consequently it took a very heavy toll on the citizens due to all the bombing on the cities. Britain claimed victory after four months of unchecked bloodshed.
  • Siege of Leningrad

    Siege of Leningrad
    Also called the 900 day siege it was the siege of the Soviet city Leningrad against the German and Finnish army. In the first year the siege claimed 650,00 civilian lives alone because lack of food, shelling and disease. The Soviets managed to evacuate some of the civilians but many were still left in the city. Starvation was lessened with some new gardens in 1942 but that was already after nearly two years of siege. In early 1943 the Soviet army was finally able to win back the city.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    Was the successful Soviet defense of the city Stalingrad. Was considered to be one of the greatest conflicts if the war. Was one of the bloodiest battles with nearly two million soldier and civilian casualties. It turned the war in the favor of the allied forces. Was won using an old Roman way of warfare which proved effective.
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    Was the Anglo-U.S. invasion of North Africa. Was favored and put forth be the British. The person in charge of the invasion was American General George C. Marshall. Was to control the areas around the Mediterranean Sea. The Allies won and North Africa would serve as a strategic base in future battles.
  • D-Day

    About 156,000 Allied forces landed on Frances heavily fortified beaches in an attempt to liberate France from German rule. Was on of the most ambitious invasions of the war and required extensive planning. By August 1944 most of northern France had been liberated from German rule. Was suppose to happen earlier but due to a weather delay the invasion was postponed. In the end the Germans had been totally driven out of France.
  • Battle of Bulge

    Battle of Bulge
    This battle was Hitler's attempt at driving the Allied armies apart and splitting their forces to make the war turn in Germany's favor. The technique used blitzkrieg of lightning war had been used three time previously by Germany. The Germans wiped out nearly all of the U.S 106th division in a forest surprise attack. However this attack depleted the German forces and supplies which proved fatal for Hitler's initial plan of victory. It was very costly for the US with over 100,000 causalities.
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle of Berlin
    The Battle of Berlin marked the end of WWII in Europe and proved to be the end of the Nazi German rule. The Red Army saw to the destruction of the German forces at Berlin. The Germans were heavily outnumbered during the entirety of the battle due to depleting resources though out the end of the war. Many of the people defending Berlin were children. In the end there were major losses on both sides but the Soviet armies were still able dominate the battle field and free the city form German rule.