Major World War II Battles

  • Battle of France/Miracle of Dunkirk

    Battle of France/Miracle of Dunkirk
    • It took place from May 27, 1940 – Jun 4, 1940
    • Its code name was Operation Dynamo
    • It was the evacuation of allied soldiers from the beaches and harbours in Dunkirk
    • It was a success for the allied forces and they were able to evacuate 338,226 soldiers
    • They used naval vessels and civilian boats to get the soldiers out
    • There was a movie made about it. -It saved many soldiers from dying or being captured
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    • It took place from Jul 10, 1940 – Oct 31, 1940
    • It was when the Germans attack Britain and the British air force held them off
    • It was a British air force
    • The German air force was called the Luftwaffe
    • The British air force was called the Royal Air Force
    • It destroyed lots of the German air force
    • It was important because it stopped Britain from being taken over by the Germans
  • Battle of Leningrad

    Battle of Leningrad
    • It is also called the Siege of Leningrad
    • It took place from Sep 8, 1941 – Jan 27, 1944
    • It resulted in Soviet victory and the Siege was ended.
    • It was when the Germans forces had a blockade around Leningrad, stopping all food from getting into the city
    • It also called the 900 day siege because it lasted around 900 days
    • It freed Leningrad from the blockade.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    • It took place from Aug. 23, 1942 – February 2, 1943
    • It was the largest confrontation of World War II
    • The Germans and their allies fought against the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad
    • It turned the tides of the war for the allies
    • It kept the Germans out of the Soviet Union
    • It was a Soviet Victory
    • It was important because it saw the destruction of the Germans 6th army
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    • It took place on November 8, 1942-November 10, 1942
    • First time British and Americans had worked together on an invasion plan
    • It took place in French Morocco and French Algeria
    • It was an Algo- American invasion
    • It is the called the Operation Torch because of the constant arguing between the allied forces.
    • It showed to the other forces that the AMericans could fight in the war.
  • D-Day

    • It took place of June 6, 1944
    • 156,000 soldiers were part of the attack
    • 4,000 Allie soldiers lost their lives
    • It allowed for Paris to be freed from the Nazis
    • It allowed for 850,000 soldiers to arrive in France and 150,000 vehicles
    • It was supposed to take place on June 5, but due to bad weather, it had to be moved to June 6.
    • It allowed for France to be freed from the Germans
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    • It took place from Dec 16, 1944 – Jan 25, 1945
    • It took place in Belgium and Luxembourg, Germany
    • It was the last major German offensive drive on the western front
    • The Germans tried to push the allied forces from northern France to northwestern Belgium
    • The Germans lost many experience troops and were never able to launch another attack on the allied forces.
    • It weakened the German army and it allowed for them never to launch another attack again
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle of Berlin
    • It happened from Apr 16, 1945 – May 2, 1945
    • It took place in Berlin, Germany
    • It was between the Nazis and the Soviet Union
    • It was when the Soviet Union invaded Germany
    • It is also known as the Fall of Berlin
    • It was a Soviet vitcory
    • It was important because it was the end of the fighting in Europe