Battle at Fort Sumter
picture urlShort summaryThe first shot fired by confederate soldiers on fort sumter charleston, south carolina, that marked the beginning of the civil war. Fort sumter was a union base that was commaned by major robert anderson. The confederate commander was general pierre G.t beauregard. before the confederate soldiers surrender on april 12, 1861, they fired the famous first shot of the civil war -
Period: to
Major Civil War Battle
First Battle of Bull Run
picture urlshort summaryThe north tried to end the conflict quickly by capturing richmond, the confederat ecapital and demoralitizing the south. Om July 16, 1861, Union general irvin mcdowell invaded virginia with 30,000 men and 30 miles into the state they met general beauregard and a small confederate army. The two armies clashed at manassa juction which was near a creek called bull run. The South won this first major battle called first bull run by the north and first manassas by the south -
mcclellans peninsular campain cont...
picture urlshort summary From June 25 to July 1, 1862 lee pushed mclellan back down the peninuslar. -
mcclellan's peninsular campaign
picture urlshort summaryMccllean, ordered to march on richmond by President Lincoln in february of 1862, positioned his forces at the tip of the peninsula between york and james rives and began a cautious march up the peninsula toward richmnd. When he came within five miles of richmond, mccllean stopped to wait for reinforcements. When he hesitated general lee was reinforced by troops under stonewall jackson. Lees troops took the offensive and attacked the union army in. In the bloody seven days battle, from June 25 to -
Grant captures fort henry and fort donelson
short summarypicture urlIn feberuary 1862, general ulysses s. grant led a large union army that captured the river outposts of Fort henry and fort donelson in northwestern tennessee. when the confederate general at fort donelson asked grant under what terms he would accept the forts surrender, grnat replied no terms except an nconditional and immediate surrender this reply earned grant the nickname unconditional surrender grant. the confederates surrendered 13000 men and much precious equipment at fort donelson -
Monitor battles the Merrimac
picture urlshort summary The (merrimac) south's first ironclad battled the norths first ironclad (monitor) in March 1862 in chesapeake bay, virginia. although the merrimac could outgun the northern ship it was bulkier and could not out manueuver the monitor. In the end, the monitor forced the merrimac to with draw allowing the north to continue its naval blockade. -
Battle of Shiloh
picture urlshort summaryWhen general grant came to shiloh, tennessee in april 1862, confederate forces under the command of general albert s. johnston attacked the union troops. both sides suffered heavy losses. just when it appeared that the south had won the battle fresh union troops arrived and forced the conferates to retreat -
New orleans falls to union forces
short summarypicture urlshortly after the battle of shiloh an overpowering fleet of union warships led by commodore david g. farragut broke through the confederate defense at the mouth of the mississippi nd sailed up the river to new orleans. As union troops marched into the city confederate soldiers burned thousands of bales of cotton and set ships ablaze to prevent their capture. With the fall or new orleans to union forcestheconfederacylostcontrolofthemississippiriver,exceptforashortstretchbetweenvicksburgandhudson -
Seven Days Battles
[picture url](<a href='http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=short+summary+on+seven+days+battle&FORM=BIFD)' >picture url</a>short summaryin this bloody battle that happened from june 25 to july 1, 1862, lee pushed general mcclellan back down the peninsula. President Lincoln had ordered mcclellan to march on richmond but five miles bfore he got there he stopped to wait for reinforcemments. this allowed stonewall jackson and his troops to help lee. Since mcclellan waited so long, lee's troops took the offensive and attacked the unon army. -
Second Battle of Bull Run
picture urlshort summaryin august 1862, this took place near manassas virginia. this time general lee led 48,000 men to victory over 75,000 union troops under the command of general john pope. -
Battle of Antietam
picture urlshort summaryThe confederates invaded maryland but a careless confederate officer allowed the battle plan to fall into northen hands. Union general george b. mcclellan surprised lee's forces at antieeta, crek in september 1862. this was the bloodiest day of the civilwar. despite lee's superior leadership the confederates lost this battle -
Battle of Fredericksburg
picture urlshort summaryIn December 1862, Union General A.E Burnside attempted to capture fredricksburg, virginia, but lee and jackson defeated his union troops. The north suffered 10,000 casualties twice the number lost by the south -
Battle of Chancellorsville
picture urlshort summaryIn may 1863 union general joseph "fighting joe" hooker led his army which outnumbered the confederates two to one. General lee split the confederate army between himself and general jackson and together they lurede hooker into a trap at chancellorsville. Through the south had suffered fewer casualties, it could not match the vast resources and manpower of the north -
Battle of Gettysburg
picture urlshort summaryThe two armies fought for three days beginning on July 1, 1863. At first, confederate soldiers advanced on picket's charge and only 100 men reached the top of the ridge. But the confederates were soon overpowered by the union army because they were unable to send for supplies or reinforcements which forced General Lee to retreat. Meanwhile the northern army kept the south from again invading the north. -
Battle of chickamauga
picture urlshort summaryIn September 1863, union troops led by Generals William Rosecrans and George Thomas advanced on Chattanooga, Tennessee. When confedeerate general braxton bragg moved his army to chickamauga, Georgia the union general followed him. the confederates defeated union troops and forced them to retreat to chattanooga. -
Battle of Chattanooga
picture urlshort summaryIn November 1863, General Bragg led his confederatge army against the union troops in chattanooga. But general Grant had ome to Chattanuga with reinforcements, giving the north an advantage. In this battle particualaarly at Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge, Union forces defeated the confederates with this victory the way was cleared for union troops to invad Georgia. -
grants army seizes petersburg and richmond
picture urlshort summaryWhile sherman marched through gerogia and the carolinas, grant's army besieged petersurg and richmond. Finally in April 1865 after nine months jefferson davis and his government fled richmond and the confederacy dissolved -
fall of atlanta
picture urlshort summary in august 1864 general william tecumseh sherman and 60000 union ttroops besieged the city of atlanta . Young teenaged cadets defended the city because most of the confederate men had already been killed or wounded shermans troops shelled the city and then burned it to the ground -
Shermans march to the sea
Short summary/ Picture urlin november 1864, after shermans troops burned atlanta to the ground women and children fled to savannah and sherman followed destroying everything in a 60 mile wide path from atlanta to the sea. After capturing savannah sherman turned his fury to the carolinas. Soon columbia the capital of south carolina lay in smoldering ruins general shermans campaign devastated the south -
surrender at appomattox continued
picture urlshort summarysoldiers. Finally, general grant allowed general lee to keep his sword for grant admired lee and did not want to humilate him. -
Surrender at Appomattox
picture urlshort summaryOn April 9, 1865, the civil war ended when general robert e. lee rode through the union lines in appomattox, virginia , and surrendered in front of a home known as appomattox court house. General grant told lee the entire army of northern virginia must surrender immediately and that the confederates would return to their homes and stop fighting. Grant added that any man having horses or mules could take them gome and all officers could keep their side arms. Nations would be given to starving -
Battle of Palmito (Texas)
picture urlshort summary on may 12 1865 lt. col. david branson of the second texas calvary regiment led his men to attack a confederate camp at palmito ranch. they scattered the confederate soldiers and stayed there to feed themselves, but a large confederate foce appeared chasing brandson's army to white's ranch. colonel -
Battle of palamito cont
picture urlshort summary Colonel Theodoere h. barrettt and his troops reinfroced branson and they destroyed rest of supplies at palmito ranch and contined on. A confederate force led by col. John s rip ford hammered the union line with artillery and barrett's and his army retreated. This was the last battle of the civil war