Major European theater battles

  • Battle of France

    Battle of France
    The German invasion of France that resulted in a German victory and the fall of France
    -Lasted 6 weeks
    -Germans used Blitzkrieg tactics
    -Allies evacuated 350,000 troops
    -1/3 of Italian troops that died died because of frostbite
    -Both sides deployed about 3,335,000 troops
  • Battle of Britian

    Battle of Britian
    German Invasion of Britain that resulted in a British victory.
    - Germans lost 2,662 soldiers, and 1,700 planes
    - British lost 1,420 soldiers and 1,250
    -6 competitors were involved in the fight
    - First German defeat in WW2
    -battle lasted a total of 3 months, ending on October 31, 1940
  • Siege of Leningrad

    Siege of Leningrad
    Siege by German and Finish troops on Stalingrad resulting in a Soviet victory
    - 632,000 people died including civilians
    - Civilians had to result to cannibalism
    - Battle started on christmas
    -Finland was not in the axis alliance but supported the Germans with troops and supplies
    - the siege lasted a total of 900 days
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    Axis forces fought Soviet Russia for control of Stalingrad in Russia resulting in a major victory for Russia
    - largest confrontation of WW2
    - Axis lost about 800,000 troops
    - Soviets lost 1,100,000
    - 40,000 civilians died
    - resulted in the destruction of the sixth German army
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    British and American invasion of Northern African Countries
    -First time America and Britain worked together in an invasion
    -Only 500 allied troops were killed
    -Opened up a new front for the Germans
    -part of plan to destroy Italy
    -arguable if it was a victory or defeat for the allies
  • D-Day

    The allied invasion of the Normandy Landing in which the allies won against Normandy
    -Allies lost 10,000 men
    -Axis lost 9,000 men
    -160,000 allied troops were deployed
    - Effort to re capture France
    - about 2,500 airborne troops deployed
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    The last major German offensive on the Allies that resulted in a devastating loss for Germany.
    -Third most lethal battle for American troops
    - Allies lost about 80,000 troops
    - Axis lost about 100,000 troops
    - Started the downward spiral towards defeat for the Germans
    - took place in multiple locations, such as Ardennes, Nazi Germany, Belgium, and Luxembourg
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle of Berlin
    Soviet effort to retake Berlin in 1945, resulting in a Soviet Union victory
    - Soviet Union defeated the Germans and re-took Berlin
    - Last offensive in WW2
    - half a million German deaths
    - about 125,000 civilian deaths
    - soviet union lost 300,000 troops