Major Battles of the Civil War

  • Battle of Fort Sumter

    Battle of Fort Sumter
    Soldiers: Union- 80 / Confederate- 500
    Result: Confederate Victory
    Casualties: Union & Confederate- 0
    Summary: Brig. Gen. Beauregard, in command of the provisional Confederate forces at Charleston, South Carolina, demanded the surrender of the Union garrison of Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor. Garrison commander Anderson refused. On April 12, Confederate batteries opened fire on the fort, which was unable to reply effectively. At 2:30 pm, April 13, Major Anderson surrendered Fort Sumter
  • First Bull Run

    First Bull Run
    Union and Confederate armies clashed near Manassas Junction, Virginia, in the first major land battle of the American Civil War. Over two hours, 10,000 Federals gradually pushed back 4,500 rebels across the Warrington turnpike and up Henry House Hill. After fighting on the defensive for most of the day, the rebels rallied and were able to break the Union right flank, sending the Federals into a chaotic retreat towards Washington. South victory. 3K dead Union, 1,750 South dead
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    The battle began when the Confederates launched a surprise attack on Union forces under General Ulysses S. Grant (1822-85) in southwestern Tennessee. After initial successes, the Confederates were unable to hold their positions and were forced back,resulting in a Union victory. Both sides suffered heavy losses, with more than 23,000 total casualties, and the level of violence shocked North and South alike. Union victory.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    It pitted Confederate General Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia against Union General George McClellan’s Army of the Potomac and was the culmination of Lee’s attempt to invade the north. The battle’s outcome would be vital to shaping America’s future, and it remains the deadliest one-day battle in all American military history. Union victory. Union casualties = 12,400 / Confed. casualties = 10,320
  • Battle of Perryville

    Battle of Perryville
    Union Gen = Don Carlos / Confed. Gen = Braxton Bragg. Location = Kentucky. 23,000 Yankees engaged in the battle, 4,200 were killed, wounded, or missing;15,000 Confederates involved, 3,400 were lost. Bragg retreated south to rejoin Smith, and the Confederates slipped back to Tennessee. Buell did not pursue, and as a result he was replaced by General William Rosecrans. The Confederates abandoned the invasion of Kentucky and it remained firmly in Federal hands for the rest of the war.
  • Battle of FredericksBurg

    Battle of FredericksBurg
    Southern Victory. Union casualties = 13,000 / Confed. casualties = 5,000. Crushing defeat of the Union. Soldiers were mislead and mismanaged by their generals and resulted in the death and wounded of many. Union General= Burnside (first time commanding) / Southern Gen: Rob. E. Lee (definitely not his first time). Results in massacre of Union forces.
  • Battle of Chancellorsville

    Battle of Chancellorsville
    Rob. E Lee vs Joseph Hooker. Confed. victory. Lee splits his troops in two and surprises Hooker with what is considered his greatest and most daring victory of the Civil War. In this battle Stonewall Jackson was mortally wounded by friendly fire. Fought in the wilderness of Virginia. Union casualties = 17,278 / Confed. casualties = 12,826. April 30 to May 6, 1863
  • Battle of VicksBurg

    Battle of VicksBurg
    Vicksburg was a Confederate stronghold since beginning of war. Ulysses S. Grant finessed these boys with his military genius. Beat General Pemberton at Champion Hill. Grant captured 6K southern men. Union casualties = 4,835 / Confed. casualties = 32,697. Huge win for the Union
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    This battled happened at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. This Union victory was costly with a combined total of about 8,000 soldiers dying in battle. This was the bloodist battle in the Civil War and is also where Abraham Lincoln gave his famous Gettysburg Address.
  • Battle Chickamauga

    This battle resulted in a Confederate victory. The battle took place in Walker County, Georgia and was the second bloodiest battle of the CIvil War with about 3,900 soldiers killed.
  • Battle of Chattanooga

    This battle took place in Chattanooga, Tennessee. This Union victory gave the Union control of Confederate supply lines and all of Tennessee.
  • Battle of Nashville

    This battle occured in Nashville, Tennessee and resulted in a Union victory. The Union's decisive victory gave them conrol of Nashville and Tennessee for the remainder of rhe Civil War.