Major Battles of the Civil War

By 16goodc
  • Attack on Fort Sumpter

    The south attacked the union at fort sumpter who were stationed in the south not on their land. The Confederacy seiged the north's fort and forced them to surrender. This marked the first shots of the American Civil War.
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  • First Bull Run/ First Manassas

    Union General Irvin McDowell attacked the confederacy at Matthews Hill. McDowell drove back the Rebs for half the day until they broke through Irvin's right flank. Now the Union was pushed back and were forced to retreat. The Confederates were too disorganised to follow the UNion because of injury to two generals.
  • Ball's Bluff

    Union General Charles Stone made an attempt to capture Leesburg and was stopped by Confederate General Nathan Evans. 700 Union soldiers were captured.
  • Fort Henry

    Union General Ulysses S. Grant attacked the confederate fort in two spots and overtook it on February 5, this victory opened up the Tennessee River to Union's supplies.
  • Fort Donelson

    Union General Grant attacked and successfully made the 12,000 Confederate soldiers surrender unconditionally. This ensured that Kentucky would stay in the Union.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    General Grant was surprised by Confederate General Albert Johnston, and was forced to take a long time to build up an offence at Pittsburg Landing. Though at first it looked like the Confederates were going to come out with a fight, the Union Army stationed down in a sunken road, later called the"hornets nest".There they were able to pick off the Rebs one by on, easily winning the battle.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Known as "the bloodiest day" Antietam was a very long day that wasn't clearly won, but was won by the Confederates. Union General McClellan attacked General Lee's army in Sharpsburg, Maryland. Fighting swept all along the coumtryside with both sides swapping advantages. Then A.P. Hill finally drove back Burnside ultimately saving the day.
  • Battle of Chancellorsville

    The UNion army concentrated in Chancellorsville. Since fighting was going on elsewhere, General Hooker decided to put the Federals on a defensive standpoint. Lee came at them and kept strong for each time the Union counterattacked. Today this is considdered one of Lee's best victories.
  • Battle of Vicksburg

    Ulysses S. Grant sieged General John Pinkerton and his army. They suurendered on July 4, 1863. This Union victory split the Confederacy in half.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    General Lee had his army stationed in Pennsylvania to hopefully get a victory and show the north what it's like to have battle on their own ground. On July 1st the two forces, Lee's and Meade's, met at Cemetery Hill. Then on July 2nd Lee tried forcing the Union off Litlle and Big Round Top. He was pushed back by Colonel Chamberlain and the 20th Maine. Finally on July 3rd Confederate General Pickett led a charge up hill to attack in the center of the Federal line. The Union won the battle.
  • Battle of Fredericksburg

    Union General Burnside sent men to occupy a place near Fredericksburg. Lee then entrenched his men at that same town. General Meade's division did break through the Rebel's line, but only for a brief moment before getting pushed back. On December 15 Burnside fell back to make different plans, leaving the Confederates with a win.
  • Battle of the Wilderness

    After three days of fierce fighting on the Orange Turnpike the battle was left with a draw. Both armies suffered severe devastation while going through great confusion throughout a couple of days.
  • Battle of Cold Harbor

    Long lines of soldiers met at the crossroads of Old Cold Harbor. The Union really was taken from their position and were slaughtered by some degree. General Grant regretted to keep on attacking the Confederacy at this rate.
  • Appomattox Courthouse

    General Robet E. Lee was determined to make one last attempt to escape out from the Union's crasp and reposition himself at Lynchburg. The Confederates were being suuccessful until Union infantry showed up and surrounded the Confederacy on three sides. On the April 9 1865 General Lee surrenders to Grant and ends the American Civil War.