Major Battles of the American Revolution

By TTTTony
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    •Location--Boston, Massachusetts
    •Important person(s)--Edward Garrick,John Goldfinch
    •groups involved--The British soldiers , The population
    •The British won
    It caused the outbreak of the rebellion in the colonists and invoked anger. It was an incident that touched off the Revolutionary War.
    •turning point
    The accidental shots by the British soldier was the turning point. It caused the first death in this Massacre, giving rise to panic and stimulating the serious conflict.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    •Location--Boston, Province of Massachusetts Bay
    •Important persons--Samuel Adams, Paul Revere, William Molineux, Thomas Hutchinson
    •groups involved--British, America (the Sons of Liberty)
    •America won
    •significance--It was the beginning of violent action against the colonial rule of the North American people;led to the First Continental Congress
    •turning point--Tea party--this compelling action intensified the anger of British Americans. The Tea Act compelled the sons of liberty to take action
  • Period: to

    1st Continental Congress 

    •Carpenters' Hall in Philadelphia
    •Important person--John Adams
    •groups involved--56 from 12 colonies (excluding Georgia)
    •America won
    1)passed and signed the Continental Association in its Declaration and Resolves
    2)boycott British goods beginning on December 1, 1774
    3)provide for a Second Continental Congress
    4)did not repudiate control by the royal prerogative
    •turning point
    Joseph Galloway put forward a "Plan of Union"
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord

    Battles of Lexington and Concord
    •Location--present day Greensboro, North Carolina, U.S.
    •Important persons
    Lord Cornwallis
    Nathanael Greene
    •groups involved--United State,Great Britain
    •United State won
    •significance--Militia successfully drive British back to Boston Start of the American Revolutionary War
    • turning point--The first shots fired just as the sun was rising at Lexington was the turning point. Because it formally began the battle between the British and Militia as the first military fight back of America.
  • Period: to

    2nd Continental Congress

    •Location-- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
    •Important person(s)--Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, Thomas Jefferson,
    •groups involved--presidents of 13 colonies
    •America won
    1)appointed George Washington of Virginia as commanding general.
    2)Passed the draft of United States Declaration of Independence
    3)Congress passed the Articles of Confederation on November 15, 1777
    •turning point
    Lee argued that independence was the only way to ensure a foreign alliance
  • Bunker Hill

    Bunker Hill
    •Location--Charlestown, Massachusetts
    •Important person(s)-- William Prescott
    •groups involved--British, Colonists
    •British won
    •significance--The battle had demonstrated that inexperienced militia were able to stand up to regular army troops in battle. Subsequently, the battle discouraged the British from any further frontal attacks against well defended front lines.
    •turning point--the third and final attack carried the redoubt after the defenders ran out of ammunition
  • Trenton

    •Location--Trenton, New Jersey
    •Important person--George Washington
    •groups involved--Continental Army against Hessian
    •Continental Army won
    The battle significantly boosted the Continental Army's flagging morale, and inspired re-enlistments.
    • turning point
    Continental Army went across the Delaware River in Christmas Eve. Hessian did not pay attention on the movement but celebrate the Christmas. Thus the Continental Army couldn’t be found.
  • Period: to

    Battles of Saratoga

    •Location(s)--Stillwater, Saratoga County, New York
    •Important person(s) involved
    Horatio Gates, Benedict Arnold, Benjamin Lincoln,James Livingston,
    •groups involved--the United States, Great Britain
    •America won
    •significance--enhance the confidence of the Americans, but also to create favorable international conditions for them.
    •turning point--Bemis highland campaign. It occupied the areas of operations, reduced the local military power, and strengthened the determination.
  • Treaty of Alliance

    Treaty of Alliance
    •Location--in Paris
    •Important person--John Adams, Benjamin Franklin
    •groups involved--France, the United States of America
    •America won
    •significance--promised mutual military support in case fighting should break out between French and British forces, as the result signing the previously concluded Treaty of Amity and Commerce.
    •turning point
    The Continental congress ordered commissioners to seek a treaty with France based upon Adams draft treaty that had later been formalized.
  • Battle of Guilford Court House

    Battle of Guilford Court House
    •Location--present day Greensboro, North Carolina, U.S.
    •Important persons--Lord Cornwallis, Nathanael Greene
    •groups involved--United State, Great Britain
    •United State won
    •significance--The British lost over a quarter of their men. Greene unraveled British control of the South
    •turning point
    The turning point is when the east side of the road was mostly opened. Because itled to the latter enormous cannon fight in lines.
  • Period: to


    •Location--Yorktown, Virginia
    •Important person(s)--George Washington, Comte de Rochambeau, Charles Cornwallis
    •groups involved--British, Colonists, French
    •Americans and French won
    •significance--With the capture of more than 7,000 British soldiers in the principal force, negotiations between the United States and Great Britain began, resulting in the Treaty of Paris of 1783.
    •turning point
    The French and American armies united north of New York City during the summer of 1781.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    • Paris, France
    •Important person(s)--
    Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, Henry Laurens, and John Adams. David Hartley and Richard Oswald
    •groups involved--British, Colonist
    •America won
    acknowledges the United States' existence as free sovereign and independent states
    •turning point--
    John Jay promptly told the British that he was willing to negotiate directly with them, cutting off France and Spain.