Declerations of principle "Atlantic Charter"
The atantic charter was created by prime minister franklin roosevelt this was conisdered the Decleration of principles to guide them through the year to come. -
"Bataan death march"
When Japan attacked peral Harbor they captured 76,000 filopines and American soliders that where torchured and put to death and required to carry the dead. -
The North Africa Campaign
Battle between the Allies and axis, neither side gained much ground. Until Allies trapped the axies forces, Aproximatley 240,000 Germans and italians where captured -
The invasion of Italy
General George S patterson invaded island of siscily with British forces. Italians lost faith in Mussoilin he was over thrown. The new goverment offical surrenderd allies with germany in October 1943. This encouraged a strong resistance to Germany but nrhtren Italy surrenderd in April 1945 -
The Invasion of Western Europe had began to resist Germanys take over. This caused huge tragities, and nearly 2 million allies displaced in France. -
The Yalta confrence
Split into four zones controlled by major alleys such as France.
They planned a similar division of Berlin.
Stallin promissed free elections in the nations of east Europe,that his army Japan, libirated from the germans.
He also promissed to enter the war against Japan but stallin failed to achive any of these promisses.