Major Battles

  • battle at fort sumpter

    battle at fort sumpter
    Locattion: Charleston County
    Commander(Union): General Robert Anderson
    Commander(Confederate): General Pierre T. Beauregard
    Estimated Casualties(Confederate): 4 wounded
    E.C.(Union): 2 killed after the surrender; 9 wounded
    Why it's important: It marked the first battle of the American Civil War
  • First battle of bull run

    First battle of bull run
    Location: Mannassas Virginia
    US Commander: Irvin Mcdowell
    CS commander: Joseph E. Johnstone & P.G.T. Beauregard
    US E.C: 13,830
    CS E.C: 8,350
    Importance: first major land battle of the Civil War; the battle that made the war become real to many.
  • Battle of Fort Henery

    Battle of Fort Henery
    Location: Fort Henery tenessee
    US commander: Ulysses S. Grant and Andrew H. Foote
    CS commander: Lloyd Tilghman
    US E.C: 40
    CS E.C: 79
    Importance: Fort Henry’s fall opened the Tennessee River to Union gunboats and shipping as far as Muscle Shoals, Alabama
  • Battle at fort donelson LINKS

  • Battle at Fort Donelson

    Battle at Fort Donelson
    Went through the 16
    Location: Fort Donelson, Tennessee
    US commander: Ulyssess S. Grant & Andrew H. Foote
    CS commander: John B. Floyd & Gideon J. Pillow & Simon B. Buckner
    US E.C: 507 killed 1,976 wounded 208 captured/missing
    CS E.C: 327 killed 1,127 wpunded 12,392 captured/missing
    importance: it was deep in the heart of the confederacy and it ensured that kentucky would stay with the union and its also where general E. Lee got his nickname"unconditional surrender"
  • Monitor Battles the merrimac(virginia)

    Monitor Battles the merrimac(virginia)
    Location:the Elizabeth River
    US commander: monitor(ship) John Worden
    CS commander:Merrimac(ship) Franklin Buchanan and Catesby R. Jones
    US E.C: 409
    CS E.C: 24
    Importance: it proved the superiority of iron over wood and a new age of naval warfare had dawned.
  • McClellan's Peninsular campaign

    McClellan's Peninsular campaign
    Location: Richmond, Virginia
    US commander: george B. McClellan
    CS commander: Robert E. Lee
    Date: March 11, 1862
    US E.C:15,000
    CS E.C:19,000
    Importance: it was a major Union operation launched in southeastern Virginia
  • battle of shiloh

    battle of shiloh
    Location: Hardin County
    US commander: Don Carlos Buell & Ulysses S. Grant
    CS commander: Albert Sidney Johnston & P.G.T. Beauregard
    US E.C: 13,047
    CS E.C: 10,699
    Importance: Albert Johnston was killed and the South had shot its single bolt in the west. After Shiloh the South did not attempt such a massive operation again and the setback at Shiloh convinced him that only "Total War" could bring the South to the surrender table. Shiloh convinced him that the South will fight to the bitter end.
  • New Orleans falls to Union

    New Orleans falls to Union
    Location: New Orleans and St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana
    US commander: David G. Farragut & Benjamin Butler
    CS commander: Mansfield Lovell
    Estimated Casualties: NONE
    Importance:they gained a lot of control when they gained control of the mouth of the Mississippi in regards to shipping and the Confederacy could no longer use it for imports from Europe,nor to export cotton out to pay for imports and Control of the whole Mississippi river by the Union would effectively cut the Confederacy in two
  • seven days battle

    seven days battle
    went through july 1st
    Location:Henrico County, Virginia
    US commander: George B. McClellan
    CS commander: Robert E. Lee
    US E.C: 1,734 killed 8,066 wounded 6,055 missing/captured
    CS E.C: 3,494 killed 15,758 wounded 952 missing/captured
    Importance: Lee pushed mcClellan back down the peninsula; series of six major battles over the seven days
  • Second battle of bull run

    Second battle of bull run
    went through the 30th
    Location: Prince William County, Virginia
    US commander: John Pope
    CS commander: Robert E. Lee
    US E.C: 10,000 killed and wounded
    CS E.C: 1,300 killed 7,000 wounded
    Importance: one of the first major battles that resulted in large armies facing one another and serious bloodshed. it shattered the Union's hope of winning the Civil War quickly and easily
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    Location: Near Sharpsburg, Maryland
    US commander: George B. McClellan
    CS commander: Robert E. Lee
    US E.C: 2,108 killed 9,540 wounded 753 captured/missing
    CS E.C: 1,546 killed 7,752 wounded 1,018 captured/missing
    Importance: the North was able to stop Lee's first invasion of the North, although at great cost. Lee, outnumbered nearly three to one, held his lines after the battle, and then returned to Virginia. It was the bloodiest day in American history
  • Battle of Antietam LINKS

  • Battle of Fredericksburg

    Battle of Fredericksburg
    Went through the 15th
    Location: Spotsylvania County and Fredericksburg, Virginia
    US commander: Ambrose E. Burnside
    CS commander: Robert E. Lee
    US E.C: 1,284 killed 9,600 wounded 1,769 captured/missing
    CS E.C: 608 killed 4,116 wounded 653 captured/missing
    Importance: showed the importance of static defences against modern rifled infantry
  • Battle of Vicksburg

    Battle of Vicksburg
    through july 4
    Location: Warren County, Mississippi
    US commander: Ulysses S. Grant
    CS commander: John C. Pemberton
    US E.C: 10,142
    CS E.C: 9,091
    Importance: Points of the river between Vicksburg and Port Hudson were held as dependencies; but their fall was sure to follow the capture of the former place.
  • Battle of Chattanooga

    Battle of Chattanooga
    Location: Chattanooga, Tennessee
    US commander: James S. Negley
    CS commander: Edmund Kirby Smith
    US E.C: 23
    CS E.C: 65
    Importance: it was the turning point in the Civil War because it opened the doorway to the Union forces for invasion into the deep South at the last moment for making possible the capture of Atlanta in time to influence the 1864 congressional and presidential elections.
  • Battle of gettysburg

    Battle of gettysburg
    went through the 3rd
    Location: Adams County, Pennsylvania
    US commander: George G. Meade
    CS commander: Robert E. Lee
    US E.C: 3,155 killed 14,531 wounded 5,369 captured/missing
    CS E.C: 4,708 killed 12,693 wounded 5,830 captured/missing
    Importance: it was such a significant defeat for the South. After three years of war, the South had not yet defeated the North, they had not won their independence and they had not convinced any foreign powers to recognize them.
  • Battle of gettysburg LINKS

  • Battle of Chickamauga

    Battle of Chickamauga
    went through the 20th
    Location: Catoosa County and Walker County, Georgia
    US commander: William S. Rosecrans
    CS commander: Braxton Bragg
    US E.C: 1,657 killed 9,756 wounded 4,757 captured/missing
    CS E.C: 2,312 killed 14,674 wounded 1,468 c/m
    Importance: it was one of the worst defeats of the American Civil War,led the Confederates near to reconquer the vital gap and city of Chattanooga, led General Grant to be appointed as Commander in Chief of the Western Front, including the army of cumberland
  • Grant Seizes Petersburg and Richmond

    Grant Seizes Petersburg and Richmond
    through march 25, 1865
    Location: Petersburg, Virginia
    US commander: Ulysses S. Grant
    CS commander: Robert E. Lee
    US E.C: 67–125,000
    CS E.C: average of 52,000
    Importance: Jefferson davis and his government fled Richmond, and the confederacy dissolved
  • Battle of Atlanta

    Battle of Atlanta
    Location: Fulton County, Georgia
    US commander: William T. Sherman & James B. McPherson
    CS commander: John Bell Hood
    US E.C: 3,641
    CS E.C: 8,499
    Importance: Sherman decided to reverse Grant's strategy, ignore the army of Tennessee that he'd been told to destroy, and instead attack the infrastructure that supported the Confederate armies in the field - wrecking farms and railroads all over Georgia and It raised Northern morale when Lincoln looked as though he would lose the Election
  • Sherman March begins

    Sherman March begins
    Location: port of Savannah, Georgia
    US commander: William Tecumseh Sherman
    CS commander: John Bell Hood
    US E.C: 62
    CS E.C: 650 men killed or wounded
    Importance: It was not to so much punish the south, as it was more to bring a quicker end to the conflict, which it did.
  • Surrender at Appomatax

    Surrender at Appomatax
    Location: Appomattox Court House, Virginia
    US commander: Ulysses S. Grant
    CS commander: Robert E.
    Casualties: NONE
    Importance: If they didn’t surrender they would just kill more lives and keep the war going on longer and the US wouldn’t have won and we wouldn’t be free or united like we are now
  • Battle of Palmito(Texas)

    Battle of Palmito(Texas)
    Through the 13
    Location: Cameron County, Texas
    US commander: Theodore Harvey Barrett
    CS commander: John Salmon "Rip" Ford
    US E.C: 118
    CS E.C: 6
    Importance: It was the last major clash of arms in the war.