Major American History Dates (includes interviewees)

  • Chuck Pahl is born

  • Period: to

    First Interviewee Birth to 2014

  • Brown vs Board of Education court case

  • U.S. becomes part of SEATO

  • Rosa Parks arrested

  • Eisenhower reelected for 2nd term of Presidency

  • Civil Rights Act signed into law

  • Chuck Pahls' 5th birthday

  • Hawaii becomes the 50th state

  • American Flag is adopted

  • Cameron Matthews is born

  • John F. Kennedy elected President

  • U.S. broke diplomatic relations with Cuba

  • Cuban Missile crisis

  • John F. Kennedy assassinated

  • Cameron Matthews' 5th birthday

  • Martin Luther King JR. assassinated

  • President Nixon removes 50,000 troops from Vietnam

  • Nixon reelected 2nd term of Presidency

  • Apollo 17 became final mission of Apollo program

  • Iran-Iraq War begins (Chuck Pahl)

  • Reagan reelected to 2nd term of Presidency

  • Iran-Iraq War ends

  • George H. W. Bush elected President

  • Desert Storm begins

  • Desert Storm ends

  • Hurricane Andrew hits kills 65 people causing over $26 billion in damage

  • Great Flood of 1993

  • Columbine High School shooting becomes deadliest school shooting to occur

  • 9/11 terrorist attack on World Trade Centers in New York

  • U.S invades Iraq

  • Hurricane Katrina

  • Hurricane Ike hits Texas coast killing 100 people

  • Barack Obama elected first African-American President

  • Stock Market falls

  • Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting

  • One World Trade Center is rebuilt and open in New York City