Chuck Pahl is born
Period: to
First Interviewee Birth to 2014
Brown vs Board of Education court case
U.S. becomes part of SEATO
Rosa Parks arrested
Eisenhower reelected for 2nd term of Presidency
Civil Rights Act signed into law
Chuck Pahls' 5th birthday
Hawaii becomes the 50th state
American Flag is adopted
Cameron Matthews is born
John F. Kennedy elected President
U.S. broke diplomatic relations with Cuba
Cuban Missile crisis
John F. Kennedy assassinated
Cameron Matthews' 5th birthday
Martin Luther King JR. assassinated
President Nixon removes 50,000 troops from Vietnam
Nixon reelected 2nd term of Presidency
Apollo 17 became final mission of Apollo program
Iran-Iraq War begins (Chuck Pahl)
Reagan reelected to 2nd term of Presidency
Iran-Iraq War ends
George H. W. Bush elected President
Desert Storm begins
Desert Storm ends
Hurricane Andrew hits kills 65 people causing over $26 billion in damage
Great Flood of 1993
Columbine High School shooting becomes deadliest school shooting to occur
9/11 terrorist attack on World Trade Centers in New York
U.S invades Iraq
Hurricane Katrina
Hurricane Ike hits Texas coast killing 100 people
Barack Obama elected first African-American President
Stock Market falls
Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting
One World Trade Center is rebuilt and open in New York City