Wwii special edition palliserlabs

Major Allied Offensives, 1943 - 1945

  • Period: to

    World War II, 1943 - 1945

  • Sixth Army Surrenders

    Soviet troops break through the Hungarian and Romanian lines, which traps the German Sixth Army in the city. Hitler forbids Germans from retreating, so they are eventually forced to surrender. ALLIES VICTORY
  • Axis Forces Surrender

    Axis forces in Tunisia surrender to the Allies, ending the North African campaign. ALLIES VICTORY
  • German Tank Offensive

    The Germans launch a massive tank offensive near Kursk. The Soviets stop the attack within a week and begin an offensive initiative of their own soon after. ALLIES VICTORY
  • Allies Control Sicily

    United States and British troops land in Sicily and will soon have control of the city. ALLIES VICTORY
  • Allied Troops Land

    Allied troops land of the beaches of Salerno near Naples.
  • Soviet Troops Liberate Kiev

  • Allied Troops Land

    Allied troops land near Anzio, just south of Rome.
  • Allied Troops Liberate Rome

    Allied troops liberate Rome. Within six weeks, Anglo-American bombers could hit targets in eastern Germany for the first time. ALLIES VICTORY
  • Land on Normandy Beach

    British and U.S. troops successfully land on the Normandy beaches of France, opening a second front against the Germans. ALLIES VICTORY
  • Soviets Offensive

    The Soviets launch a massive offensive in easter Belarus, which destroys the German Army Group Center. ALLIES VICTORY
  • Allied Forces Land

    Allied forces land in southern France near Nice and advance rapidly towards the Rhine River to the northeast.
  • Allied Troops Reach Paris

    Allied troops reach Paris, and quickly free French forces. ALLIES VICTORY
  • Finland Leaves Axis Powers

    Finland concludes an armistice with the Soviet Union, leaving the Axis partnership.
  • U.S. Troops Land in Philippines

  • Germans Launch Offensive

    The Germans launch a final offensive in the west (Battle of the Bulge), in attempt to re-conquer Belgium and split the Allied forces along the German border. However, by January 1, 1945 the Germans were in retreat.