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The wonderful life of Maja

By szellő
  • when she first saw the sun

    when she first saw the sun
    It was a hot summer day in Pécs. I was the first child to born, probably the most loved one.
  • when a sister showed up

    when a sister showed up
    Merena Rozina was the cutest creature until my brother was born. On another hot summer day, huge black eyes and hair. I can still remember that day.
  • when she moved to the heart of Hungary

    when she moved to the heart of Hungary
    My parents had divorced, so we decided to move to Budapest, to my mothers hometown.
  • when education absorbed her

    when education absorbed her
    I got into an art school, which - as it turned out as time went by - was way more terrible than anybody could have ever imagined. I was digging my own grave.
  • when a stork brought a brother

    when a stork brought a brother
    The blond prince, the youngest of all was born on a beautiful summer day in August, just like his siblings. He brought joy and happiness with - and within himself. Our little wonder.
  • when she met her forever best friend

    when she met her forever best friend
    We became friends in third grade and we have been growing, learning, experiencing everything together since then.
  • the most wonderful grandfather died

    the most wonderful grandfather died
    I am who I am today because of him.
  • the year when she got so tired of school she and her best friend changed their educating institution

    the year when she got so tired of school she and her best friend changed their educating institution
    From a screwed up X|||. school to a Franciscan Catholic one.
  • when she felt she was having the hardest part of her life - and maybe she was right

    when she felt she was having the hardest part of her life - and maybe she was right
    Everything was falling apart. Inside and outside.
  • the hesitation whether to learn english or french

    the hesitation whether to learn english or french
    For a long time I couldn’t decide whether to learn french or english. Maybe french is still closer to my heart but I don’t regret coming to this school afterall.
  • when she realized she was a thinker

    when she realized she was a thinker
    Actually, this was a long process. Oh, and this also happend together with my friend.
  • when she started highschool at Kőrösi Elit

    when she started highschool at Kőrösi Elit
    I had a hard time and I still do. But not everything’s black and white.
  • when came 2020 a new year, a new start

    when came 2020 a new year, a new start
    Dear life,
    I trust you.