Main Events that lead to the American Independence

  • Battle of Luxington and Concord

    Battle of Luxington and Concord
    The first main battle of the American Revolutionary War. Over night and the early morning before the battle, a group of 700 British soldiers marched from Bastion to Concord with orders to confiscate hidden weapons. The night before, two American spy's named Paul Rivere and William Dawes watched the British from a distance on horse back and warned the Minute men a group of mostly untrained soldiers who fought the British the next morning. The Americans lost at Luxington, but won at Concord.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    The night before the battle, a group of American soldiers moved out of their camp carrying picks, shovels, and guns. Their destination: Bunker Hill, they were planning to bombard the town and British ships there. But the soldiers misunderstood the orders and went to Breed's hill instead and helped themselves with the resources there and then headed to Bunker Hill. That morning, the British stormed the hill, then were ambushed.The British toke back the hill with a cost of many soldiers.
  • Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    George Washington and his Colonial army marched to Trenton on the day after Christmas. His forces included horses, wagons, soldiers, and guns. At about 8:00 in the morning the Americans started to charge the city. They broke through the defenses of the city and pretty easily defeated the Hessian's, a group of German Soldiers hired by the British to help fight during the American Revolution. Some of the remaining Hessian's retreated but were then found and forced to surrender.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    The British arrived in Saratoga, splitting into three groups of about 7,500 soldiers to sweep around in search to find and eliminate the Americans. As time went on the British were running low on supplies, manpower, and shelter. They soon raided a near by wheat farm but were then attacked by the American's who were easily defeated the British by the American's their now 13,000 man army. the remaining British retreated, but were then found then defeated.
  • The Battle of Valley Forge

    The Battle of Valley Forge
    This event was not an actual battle, it was battle for the Americans to survive through the harsh winter. They were starting to die from disease and many other illnesses and were getting close to dis banding, but they didn't. But soon they got support from the French after hearing of there most recent victory at Saratoga and got the supplies they needed.
  • Battle of Cowpens

    Battle of Cowpens
    The British took back much of the south American Forts, now feeling confident they can take the entire south then take the American Forts to the north, but they were secretly given a false sense of victory. Commander Greene who was sent to lead the South American Army by George Washington, luckily Greene had a strategic plan to take back the South forts. After many attacks between the British and Americans, The Americans defeated the British who had 110 killed, 200 injured, and 500 Captured.
  • The Battle of Yorktown

    The Battle of Yorktown
    This was the final battle that determined the future, the battle earned our independence. Into a war the British thought would last 6 mouths that instead lasted for 6 years. Nearly 9,000 British Soldiers were waiting behind York Town Defenses, the Americans soon attacked when they were given the signal to attack. They Americans ran 100 yards under fire by the British, soon then broke through their defenses then stormed past the walls of Yorktown. The British were then forced to surrender.