Main events in Nikola Tesla's life

  • Nikola Tesla was born

  • Period: to


    He studied very hard and he studied engineering in some of Europe's finest universities
  • Nikola Tesla met Charles Barchellor in Paris

  • Tesla travels to USA

    Before his sail he got robbed and arrived in America with only 4 pennies
  • His first job in America

    Barchellor sent a letter to Edison to tell him about Tesla and he inmmediately gave Tesla a job
  • Period: to

    Tesla's tries to show his work to Edison

    Edison rejected 24 dynamos and automatic controls, not accepting Tesla's theories on alternating current
  • Tesla left Edison

  • Tesla meets A.K Brown

    A.K Brown recognized his genius and helped finance his work
  • Agreement with Westinghouse

    Westinghouse paid for Tesla's patents
  • His experiment of light without wires worked

  • He worked on the fundamentals of radio

    He foreshadowed wireless remote control and electronic
  • A great disappointment

    Teals had no more funds to finish building his tower to circle wireless power around the word
  • His work in The Niagara Falls

    Tesla harnessed the power of the falls and designed The Niagara Power Plant
  • All of his work burns to ashes

  • Tesla achieved fame in the scientific world

  • Tesla's Death

  • The new laboratory and the cosmic rays

    Tesa discovered the cosmic ray thirty years before its existence was known