mahlet STAAR 5

  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    Limited the power of England, gave rich white men more rights
  • Period: 1500 to


    Economic System between Great Britain and its colonies, American colonies provided raw materials for England, which then sold the finish product back the colonies. Americans felt it violated their freedom to trade in with other countries
  • Jamestown founded

    first successful english colony in america. founded for tobacco profit
  • Period: to

    Southern Colonies Formed

    profit off tobacco (Cash Crops) was the reason for settlement.
    Geography was fertile soil & flat land
    Anglican christian and roman catholic
  • Virginia House of Burgess

    First representative government in america
  • Period: to

    New England colonies formed

    Religion believes, start farms & businesses
    Atlantic Coast
  • Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

    Form of representative government in american colonies
  • Period: to

    Middle colonies Formed

    Economic opportunities~ religious & political freedom
    deep rivers, fertile soil, good for growing crops
    Quakers/ Great awakening
  • Period: to

    French & Indian War

    French & native Americans V.S. Great Britain
    Increased debt for Great Britain
    Taxes on American colonists
  • Proclamation Line of 1763

    Line set on after the french & Indian war
    Colonists believed that they had the right to settle in Ohio river valley
  • Stamp Act

    it required a stamp to be put on printed or products
    placing tax on the american colonists
  • Stamp Act of Congress

    First meeting
    Their problems with the king of England
  • Boston Massacre

    People protesting TAXES~ British soldiers got things thrown at them
    Crispus Attucks~ 5 colonists dead
  • Boston Tea party

    to protest the tea act the sons of liberty disguised themselves as Indians
    the son of liberty
    They disguised themselves as Indians and dumped tea into the Boston harbor
  • Coercive (intolerable) Acts

    To punish the colonists for protests
    banned town meetings allowed for the British to be housed
  • First Continental Congress

    To discuss their problems with Great Britain
    They wanted to come back with great britain
  • Battle of Lexington & Concord

    First battle of revolution
    paul revere
    Warmed to try to keep the sons of liberty from being arrested
  • Period: to

    common sense

    by Thomas Paine
    helped spred the word about about why the colonies should become independent
  • Second Continental Congress

    George Washington
    Declaration of Independence
    Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Americans won
    Won against Spain and France began to back the rebelling colonies France helped a lot
  • Declaration of Independence

    John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Robert Sherman and Robert Luiz Maston
    John Locke
    Laid colonists
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    George Washington
    Troops died due to freezing conditions and lack of supplies
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Frenchman (marquis de lafayette)
    Ended the revolution war
  • Constitutional Convention

    Delegates comes together to discuss a new form of government, 1787, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Adams, Ben Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, came together because the federal government was not working under the Articles of Confederation
  • The Great Compromise

    New Jersey (small State Plan) is 1 house legislature.Each state is going to have equal representation. Virginia Plan (large state plan) is Bicameral Legislature = 2 houses of legislative government. Representatives based on state population. Great compromise Bicameral legislature. Senate- each state gets 2 members(NJ plan) House of Representatives- based on state population.
  • 3/5 compromise

    For every 5 slaves, only 3 count. Every slave counts for 60% of a person
  • Federalist Papers

    Alexander Hamilton, James Madison Constitution was good, in favor of ratification. Wrote the federalist papers
  • Anti-Federalists papers

    Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry Thought the constitution didn't give the states enough rights. Wrote the anti-federalist papers and ther were against ratifying the constitution. (Federalist win, constitution is ratified.)
  • Period: to

    George Washington's presidency

    he set up the presidential cabinet
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    A protest to the first tax that was placed after the constitution was written. Washington shut it down with his military
  • Pinckney's treaty

    A treaty signed with Spain to allow the U.S. to trade in New Orleans
  • Washington's Farewell Address

    told us to stay NEUTRAL in foreign affairs and avoid political partis
  • Period: to

    John Adams Presideny

    First president to claim political party, he was a leader of the federalists party. passed the aliens & sedition which Allowed the central (federal) government to imprison you if you were from a foreign country
  • Period: to

    Thomas Jefferson's Presidency

    He was a leader of the democratic-republican party (states rights)
    Barbary pirates, this was the first official war the us was involved in and was the first our navy was used
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Jefferson bought Louisiana from France, doubled the size of the U.S.
  • Marbury V. Madison

    sets up the judicial review