mahian STAAR social studies

  • 1215

    magna carta

    limited the power of the king and gave rich men more rights.
  • jamestown founded

    first English colony in america.colonized to trade tobacco.
  • Period: to

    southern colonies founding

    the jamestown was the first settlement inamerica by english.
    cash crops and tabacco, cotton
    fertile soil
    anglican and roman catholic.
  • virginia house of Burgess

    first representative government set up in america
  • Mayflower compact

    first written contract and pinky promised to stay together.
  • fundamental orders of connecticut

    one of the first representative government in america. creates an idea for the founders of the revolution.
  • mercantilism

    economic system between great britain and it's colonies.
    violated the freedom to trade
  • Period: to

    french and indian war.

    french indian and britain.
    gave them more land
    gave them less land.
  • proclamation line 1763

    this line split britain and indians.
    they lost land.
  • stamp act

    first tax placed by american colonies to pay back the debt caused by french and indian war.
    required to put print in paper.
  • stamp act congress

    first beeting between 5 muliple colony
    problems of england.
  • boston massacre

    revolt against taxes
    cripsu attacks.
  • coercive acts

    passed to punished colonist for revolt.
    banned town meetings
    allpwed to soldier to be quartered.
  • battle of lexington and concord

    first battle of american revolution.
  • Period: to

    common sense

    thought that colonies should become independent.
  • second continental congress

    george washingtona,ben frank,john adam,thomas jefferson.
    important because helped the u.s government.
  • decleration of independence

    written by thomas jefferson laid gevances with great britain.
  • battle of saratoga

    america won aginst spain.and spain rebelled and they got involved for money.
    for the first time they got a win.
  • battle of winter forge

    george washington
    no supplies

  • battle of yorktown

  • cosntituiton convention

    alexander hamilton,james madison,john adams, ben fraklin,george washingotn. the main author was thomas jefferson
  • the great compromise

    nj plan was to have each state teo representors
    virginia plan was to make a bicameral legislatur plan
    gave compromise more power.
  • Period: to


    he setup a cabinet of advisors.
  • Whiskey rebellion.

    a protest fir the first tax on whiskey.
  • Period: to

    John Adams Presidency

    fisrt president to claim a political party.
    he was a leader of a federalist party(strong central government)
    alllowed the central(federal) you were from foreign country.
  • Pickney's treat

    A treaty signed with spain to allow the U.S to trade in New Orleans.
  • wahington's farewell address

    staying neutral in foreign affairs
    no political parties
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    Thomas Jefferson Presidency

    He was a leader of the democratic-republican party(states rights).
    barbary pirates, this was the first officail war the U.S was involved in and was the first time our Navy was used.
  • Lousiana Territory

    this double the size of the U.S
  • Marbury vs Madison

    judicial review
  • Period: to

    James Madison's Presidency

    the U.S entered the war of 1812
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    James Monroe Presidency

    the Monroe doctrine sent and agreement to Europe that they could NOT colonize the americas