sally found out she has dyslexia
when slaly was 12 they told her that she was dyslexic. Standish Tredwell has dyslexia too. She is a young girl who sees the world different from everyone else just as standish treadwell does. -
9/11 attack
The bombing of the twin towers could have influenced my auther top write this book beuase she was a teenager during this event. The book maggot moon is about her losing his friend and not knwoing where he went. -
The dwarf planet Quaoar is discovered
This event could have related maggot moon to the real world events becuase in magoot moon. Standish and his friend hector have created a imaginary planet. A better place as they say. A place where kids can be kids. And Standish likes to daydream. so the finding this planet could have inspired her to create her own happy place. -
Train bombings in Madrid kill nearly 200 people
IN maggot moon the grampa refers back "to a time when the neighbors houses werent bombed and if they were in need, you gave." -
Mars Exploration Rovers
Not on a specific date listed, A new mars rover was launched and set to explore an all new planet. A planet like standish and hector wanted. All new and all friendly. -
Suicide bombers in London kill 56 people, injure 700 others
Another terrist attack is london later on is probaly why grampa probaly doesnt have trust in other people and alwasy refers to a time on peace.