Red River Resistance 1869
Describes the events that resulted in Metis leader Louis Riel setting up a provisional government. This occurred at a place called the Red River colony, in what is now the province of Manitoba. The importance of this event is that the Red River colony entered Confederation. Manitoba became a province. -
Securing The Land 1869
Beginning in 1869 the government began to take steps to secure the land. it purchased Rupert's Land from the HBC, which became known as the NWT. Treaties were signed with the First Nations to gain further control. Boundaries and borders were established separating Canada from the US. To get ahead of Western advancement, and to avoid problems that occurred in the US, the NWMP were commissioned to establish law and order. These measures helped to secure the land and those in it. -
Manitoba Act 1870
The Manitoba Act of 1970 lead to the creation of the province of Manitoba. Originally the Red River colony was part of Rupert's Land and under the control of the HBC. When the government purchased this land from the HBC the Indigenous and Metis people, under Lois Riel set up a provisional government. In response the Manitoba Act set out to protect Metis lands and also gave guarantees for the French language and provided funds for Catholic education. Therefore this event was very important. -
British Columbia Becomes A Province 1871
In the years leading up to BC joining Confederation, the region was impacted by a gold rush. Early fur traders discovered the presence of gold (through dealings with the First Nations). This led to the development of mining towns, roads, and other services. Although the rush for gold was over by 1868, it resulted in long-term communities, farms, businesses, and other industries (logging). BC becoming a province was important because it ensured a vital link to the West Coast. -
Dominion Lands Act 1872
Also known as the homestead act, this provision enabled people to obtain land for the purpose of setting up farms. Each quarter section of land only cost 10 dollars. Each land owner had to live on the land for at least 6 months per year, build a house, and begin farming. After 3 years the land would become theirs. This Act was the means by which the unsettled lands in the West received its first settlers and people came from all over the world to farm.This is why that Act was important. -
National Policy 1878
This policy covered transportation, immigration, and the economy. Its importance can be seen in that it provided the framework for a cross-country railway, a policy that encouraged new settlement, and an economy that could benefit everyone. The railway not only provided necessary means of transportation, it brought all lands closer together. The encouragement of immigration, along with the railway, ensured that new settlements would be created. Last, tariffs were passed to help build industry. -
Prince Edward Island Becoming A Province 1878
After initially rejecting Confederation in 1867, PEI eventually agreed to join Canada. One of the reasons was known as the Land Question, and residents were tired of paying rent to British land owners. Joining Canada would enable land ownership. A federally funded railway was also attractive. So too would be a market for its goods, as it was unable to establish any trade deals as a British colony. PEI becoming a province was important, as there were discussions about it joining the US. -
North West Resistance 1885
Indigenous and Metis people were struggling with changes in their way of life (influx of settlers, loss of lands, and reduction in bison herds). Louis Riel came back from the US and tried to help them unite and confront the government. A Revolutionary Bill Of Rights was signed and soon after an armed uprising began. After several battles the uprising was put down, and Riel was hung. This paved the way for Alberta and Saskatchewan to eventually become provinces, and the completion of the railway. -
Transcontinental Railway 1885
Building a cross-country railway was a gigantic task. It would take years to build, but would result in a stronger Confederation (BC would be linked with the rest of the country). It would require surveyors to map out the best route, through many harsh lands. The route itself was altered, and ended up more South than originally planned. It helped newcomers reach their destination, and provide the much needed means of transporting goods of all types. -
New Provinces Of Alberta And Saskatchewan 1905
Unlike PEI and BC the North West Territories was already part of Canada. As a territory it was unable to raise enough taxes to pay for expanding needs and services (which were increasing due to immigration). The government had to decide how many new provinces should be created, deal with the issue of minority rights, and also set out the division of powers and ownership. It was decided that two separate provinces would be created, but that Ottawa would maintain ownership of the lands.