Zachary taylor456

Madi - Zachary Taylor

By MHuyser
  • Zachary Taylor was born

    Zachary Taylor was born
    Born in Montebello, Orange County, VA
  • Constitution was signed

    Constitution was signed
    The constitution was signed to start framing a new government. Only 39 out of 59 delegates signed it.
  • Joins the Army

    Joins the Army
    He joined the army and served for almost 40 years
  • Promoted in the army

    Promoted in the army
    Got promoted to the first lieutenan
  • Zachary Taylor gets married

    Zachary Taylor gets married
    Zachary and Margaret Mackall got married at her sister's log house
  • First Daughter was Born

    First Daughter was Born
    Zachary Taylor's oldest daughter ( Anne Margaret Mackall Taylor) was born
  • Leads Troops in the War of 1812

    Leads Troops in the War of 1812
    He led a troop in the War of 1812
  • Celebrity of Fort Harrison

    Celebrity of Fort Harrison
    Got military celebrity at Fort Harrison
  • Second Daughter Born

    Second Daughter Born
    His daughter Sarah Knox Taylor was born
  • Resigns from the army

    Resigns from the army
    Resigns from the army but returns as a major the next year.
  • Commanded Fort Howard

    Commanded Fort Howard
    Fort Howard is near where Green Bay, Wisconsin stands today
  • Reenters The Army

    Reenters The Army
    He joins the army again as a major in command
  • Third Daughter Born

    Third Daughter Born
    His third child named Octavia Pannil Taylor was born
  • Fourth Daughter Born

    Fourth Daughter Born
    His daughter Margaret Smith Taylor was born
  • Last Daughter Born

    Last Daughter Born
    His youngest daughter Mary Elizabeth "Betty" Taylor was born
  • First Son/Last Kid was Born

    First Son/Last Kid was Born
    His first and only son Richard Taylor was born
  • The Black Hawk War starts

    The Black Hawk War starts
    The Black Hawk War that he fought in
  • Second Seminole War

    Second Seminole War
    He led the troops to victory in the Second Seminole War in Florida.
  • Mexican war starts

    Mexican war starts
    The Mexican-American war that he fought in started
  • Leaves the Army for the Second Time

    Leaves the Army for the Second Time
    Leaves the army for the second time but this time he is done for good, he returns to his family for good.
  • The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    Treaty signed to end the Mexican-American war
  • Nominated for election

    Nominated for election
    The Whig party in Philadelphia nominated Zachary Taylor to run in the election for the whig party.
  • Fights the spread of slavery

    Fights the spread of slavery
    He fought the idea of spreading slavery to other states
  • Zachary Taylor's Inauguration

    Zachary Taylor's Inauguration
    He got elected as the 12th president of the United States
  • Cholera Outbreak

    Cholera Outbreak
    the outbreak of cholera in Washington spread to Pennsylvania and caused many people to get sick and die
  • Treaty with the Hawaiian Kingdom

    Treaty with the Hawaiian Kingdom
    Treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation, was signed between the U.S. and the Hawaiian Kingdom
  • Daniel Webster's Famous Speech

    Daniel Webster's Famous Speech
    Daniel Webster gave a speech about union sectionalism, he also talked about state loyalties
  • Clayton-Bulwer Treaty was signed

    Clayton-Bulwer Treaty was signed
    Designed to create harmony between Britain and The United States interests in central America
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Congress was talking about the problem of slavery
  • Zachary Taylor Dies

    Zachary Taylor Dies
    He died of cholera which he got from eating a large number of acidic cherries and fresh milk. He got sick after the Fourth of July celebration.