Madeline Sophie Barat Birth
Madeline Sophie Barat was born on 12 December 1779 in joigny, France. At the time of Sophie’s birth France was going through a political crisis. Madeleine Sophie was born prematurely and in the streets -
Madeline Sophie's Childhood
When Sophie was christened her god father was her brother Louis, who trained at the seminary to become a priest. Louis became a very important part of Sophie’s childhood he was very close to her. At this time, it was not common for girls to attend school. Sometimes Louis would give Sophie help in subjects like Scripture, Latin and Mathematics and Madeline was known as Sophie. -
Her Time In Paris
In Paris Sophie lived with three other woman in the house of a Madame Duval also with her brother but after awhile they both left to Joigny. When the political situation eased off a bit she returned to Paris again. In 1799 Sophie meet joseph Varin the priest with her brother. Together Varin and Sophie made a foundational stone for a Religious Society of Women Educators dedicated to the Sacred Heart -
The First School
The first school was started in Amiens in October of 1801 when the school was open they had 20 borders and 160 day pupils. In the beginning Mademoiselle Lequet who was the Superior of the Convent and Principal of the school, but then she was seen to be unsatisfactory. Lequet left so Varin made Sophie Superior. 1806 she was elected as Superior General and was to remain in the position for the rest of her life. -
Sophie's Travels
In 1834 during Sophie’s career she travelled to lots of place's in Europe like Grenoble, Poitiers and Rome. Sophie was also committed to a deep life of prayer and reflection. -
Sophie’s death and Canonisation
Sophie died in the grounds of the Hotel Biron in Paris on May 25, 1865 age 85 years old. She was beatified in 1908 by Pope Pius X and was canonised in 1925 by Pope Pius XI. In June 2009 her body was returned to Paris where it lies in a glass coffin in the Sacred Heart Chapel of the Church of St Francis Xavier (across the road from the Hotel Biron).