Madeline's world war 2 timline

  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    This was signed ager world war one and created an alliance between Germany. It said that they were responsible for the start of world war one and two.
  • Hitler voted to power in Germany

    Hitler voted to power in Germany
    Hitler attained power after being voted into the position. This gave Hitler the power of the German military.
  • Hitlers Olympics (1936 summer Olympics)

    Hitlers Olympics (1936 summer Olympics)
    In 1936 the Olympics were held in Berlin, Germany. This was 2 years after Hitler was elected. He used the Olympics as a dictatorship and the atmosphere of the Olympics with black people and Jewish people just felt weird.
  • Hitters Olympics (1936 Summer Olympics)

    Hitters Olympics (1936 Summer Olympics)
    In 1936, the Summer Olympics were held in Berlin, Germany. Many country’s were hesitant about sending there athletes to the Olympics after many remarks were made by Hitler. People said the Olympics had an overall different atmosphere.
  • German invasion of Poland

    German invasion of Poland
    The nazis and the Soviet Union Poland a large invasion on the country Poland. It was planed very precisely. There were over 80,000 causality’s. This marked the start of World War 2.
  • Tripartite pact signed

    Tripartite pact signed
    this was when Italy, Germany, and Japan created a defense alliance to try and stop America from entering the war.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    This was a surprise military attack on the American navy base in pearl harbor by the Japanese navy air service. This is the event that caused America to enter World War 2.
  • Japanese Americans sent to intement camps

    Japanese Americans sent to intement camps
    After the attack on pearl harbor, they sent all Japanese Americans or people from Japan to internment camps because they thought that they might be a threat to America. America did this out of fear.
  • Nazi's establish gas chambers at Auschwitz

    Nazi's establish gas chambers at Auschwitz
    Nazis create a gas chamber to kill American soldiers when they are captured and to kill the Jewish people that they are holding in concentration camps. They were gasses that would kill the people's timidity.
  • Italy leaves the Axis power

    Italy leaves the Axis power
    They surrendered to the Allies and later declared war on Germany officially leaving the Axis power.
  • D-Day

    At dawn, the Allies with 18,000 boats and an additional 13,000 aircrafts. The Allies got out of the boats and bombard the island when no one was expecting. The island was Normandy, which was considered German land because the Nazis and Soviets had a lot of men there. It took years of planing and there were over 16,000 men were killed.
  • Iwo Jima

    Iwo Jima
    This was an invasion by America on a Japanese island where they bombarded the Japanese military and gave them no way to escape. America won the battle and the flag was placed.
  • The death of Hitler

    The death of Hitler
    Aloof Hitler was hiding in a bunker in underneath his headquerts in Berlin, Germany. He was cornered so he swallowed a cyanide pill and then shot him self in the head.
  • Germany leaves Axis power

    Germany leaves Axis power
    Germany was forced to leave after Aldof Hitler killed himself and the surrender to the Soviet Union. There was no one to lead them and Russia took charge.
  • Atomic Bombs are Dropped on Japan

    Atomic Bombs are Dropped on Japan
    America was the first and only county to use atomic weaponry. They got this title after they dropped a 5-ton atomic bomb on the city Hiroshima (a major city in Japan) this caused Japan to surrender axis power and drop out of the war.
  • Japan leaves the Axis Power

    Japan leaves the Axis Power
    Japan left after the Boeings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki because there’s was to much destruction and to many causalities for them to stay involved in the war. (Couldn’t find an exact date)