Madeleine Sophie Barat

  • Birth Date

    December 12th 1779 (Date of birth). was born in a fire in the town of Burgundy from Joigny in France. She had been born pre - maturely and had 1 brother.
  • Louis Barat

    The brother of Sophie christens her
  • Louis in prison

    Mentor put in prison for religion reasons. this really inspired her to continue her growth and stay true to herself and her faith. (In 1793 Louis was imprisoned )
  • Louis released

    In 1795 Louis was released after war ended and moved to Paris
  • Sophie grows into her role

    She teaches neighbourhood children, gives catechism classes, and continues her religious and secular education. In prayer Sophie has a vision to the Sacred Heart, as well as linking adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and education of the young and interiority.
  • Sophie takes her vows, Varin (1778 - 1800)

    At 14 years of age Sophie decides to take a vow of virginity. she was also convinced to join him in the Society of the sacred heart
  • Superior General and varin

    Sophie at the age of who 26 got elected as Superior General and varin
  • Amiens house (1808 - 1834)

    Sophie and two other young women set up a house at Amiens. She also made/founded new mother house was in pairs.
  • Society of the sacred heart

    The Society begins to expand beyond France. Philippine Duchesne leads a small group to Louisiana. The Society is invited to Savoy, Italy, Belgium, Ireland, England, and Algeria, the Polish region of Austria, the Tyrol, Spain,Westphalia, and Holland
  • Death

    Sophie died in pairs
  • Sophie is canonised

    Sophie is canonised by Pope Pius XI