Mackenzie and Tannis French-English Relations

  • World War One conscription crisis

    World War One conscription crisis
    The conscription crisis was a disagreement on weather men should be obligated to go to war. The French were against conscription because they did not feel that they should have to fight for Britain. The english however, were for conscription because they wanted Brian to win the war. Many Canadian men had already died in the war so they did not want these deaths to be for nothing.
  • Period: to

    Creation of the Union Nationale Party

    The Union Nationale Party was a Quebec conservative and nationalist provincial political party. It identifies with Quebecois autonomism. The party was created during the great Depression and took power during 1936-1939 and 1944-1960and 1966-1970.
  • Period: to

    The Duplessis Era/The Great Darkness

    Duplessis was in liberal rule over Quebec from 1936-1959 and his first term was a disappointment. Some things that he did accomplish include a farm credit scheme, fair wages commission, and provisions for destitute mothers and the blind. He was an alcoholic and never did get married. Duplessis asserted the authority of the Québec state over the Church. he was know for dealing with matters very harshly.
  • World War Two conscription crisis

    World War Two conscription crisis
    Mackenzie King was the PM during the WW2 and stated that he would not make conscription mandatory. Later on in the war he realized that they needed more men, so he got all of Canada to vote for weather conscription should be put in place. The majority of Canada voted yes so he put conscription back into place.
  • Separatist Moment

    Separatist Moment
    At this time there was great social economic change and nationalist movements in Quebec. The RIN or the Rassemblement pour l'indépendance national began as a citizens moment on September 10 1960. It later became a political party in 63. With all the other sparsest groups it got a 9% overall vote in Quebec. The support for separatism in Quebec became more popular throughout the late 60's and 70's.
  • Maitre Chez Nous and Quite Rev Begins

    Maitre Chez Nous and Quite Rev Begins
    This was a time where there were many social political and cultural changes in Quebec. One big change the occurred was the provincial government took control over health care and education, which had previously been run by the Roman Catholic Church. They created ministry for health and education. They put more money into the public education system, allowed unionization, and civil service. This help Quebec take more control over their economy and nationalized electricity production.
  • Front de Liberation du Quebec FLQ party is formed

    Front de Liberation du Quebec FLQ party is formed
    This was a separatists and Marxist-Leninist paramilitary group in Quebec and was founded in the early 60's. It was a part of the sovereignty movement. They conducted many violent acts and injured many people and killed some. These included the bombing of the Montreal Stock Exchange and the October crisis, which began with kidnapping British Trade Commissioner James Cross. Quebec Labour Minister Pierre Laporte was also kidnapped and killed.
  • Bi and Bi commission investigation by Lester B. Pearson

    Bi and Bi commission investigation by Lester B. Pearson
    This was a Canadian royal commission and was established by PM Lester B. Pearson. They were to inquire into a report about the existing state of bilingualism and biculturalism.They were then to recommend what should be done to develop the Canadian Confederation on equal partnership between the two races.They also had to take into account how the other ethnic groups made a cultural enrichment to Canada and the measures that should be taken to protect that contribution.
  • Canada's New Flag

    Canada's New Flag
    There was a great debate throughout Canada to determine what the new flag would be. This debate had been going on for a long time but officially began on June 15 1964 when PM Lester B. Pearson proposed his idea to the House os Commons. The debate divided people and lasted more than six months. The debate over the new Canadian flag ended by December 15, 1964.
  • Canadas Imagination Policy becomes Colour Blind

    Canadas Imagination Policy becomes Colour Blind
    In 1976 a points system was introduced. Immigrants would earn points. It was no longer based off Race, colour, or nationality; rather, work skills, education levels, language ability (in speaking French or English), and family connections.
  • Trudeau becomes PM

    Trudeau  becomes PM
    He was a Canadian states man who served as the 15th PM for Canada. He is also the third longest serving PM in Canadian history. He served for the liberal party.
  • Official Languages Act Passed

    Official Languages Act Passed
    The Act was passed by recommendation of the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism. It created the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages, which oversees its implementation
  • October Crisis

    October Crisis
    Members of the FLQ kidnapped he provincial cabinet minister Pierre Laporte and the British diplomat James Cross. Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau then invoked the war measures act. Laporte was killed and Cross was released through negotiation. The kidnappers then fled to Cuba.
  • War measures act

    War measures act
    This act was used to help stop the October Crisis.
  • Policy of Multiculturalism

    Policy of Multiculturalism
    This was when Canada recognized that ts society included diversity in languages, customs, religions, and so on.
  • Bill 22

    Bill 22
    This was the act that made French the official language of Quebec by the National Assembly of Quebec.
  • Immigration policy moves to sponsorship program

    Immigration policy moves to sponsorship program
    This was a policy that allowed citizens of Canada to “sponsor” or “support” immigrants from outside Canada. This meant that the Canadians who sponsored the new immigrants were legally and financially responsible for them. This was benegital for the new immigrants because they weren’t on on social welfare programs.
  • Pari Quebecois wins provincial election on Quebec

    Pari Quebecois wins provincial election on Quebec
    Parti Quebecois won lead by Renee Levesque. Promised that if they won it would not automatically mean separation. Separationists had no interest in Canada being two languages, they wanted french language strong.
  • Bill 101 introduced

    Bill 101 introduced
    Also known as the “Charter if the French Language” it terms were
    French was the only official language of the province and government
    outdoor signs and art would be in French Only
    Children of immigrants would be required to attend french schools
    The Quebecois liked this as it showed respect for who they were and their french culture, everyone else saw this as a symbol of oppression.
  • Bill 101 passed

    Bill 101 passed
    Bill passed
  • Referendum on Sovereignty Association

    Referendum on Sovereignty Association
    Levesque asked the people of Quebec to vote “yes” to argue a new agreement with Canada based on sovereignty association. He suggested Quebec to become independent, but also yet keep a close economic relationship with Canada. 60% voted not, and 40% voted yes.
  • Partition of the Constitution

    Partition of the Constitution
    Trudeau wanted to add a “Charter of Rights and Freedoms” but some premiers were concerned with the amount of power each province would be have.
  • Constitution Act

    Constitution Act
    The constitution Act was put into place 1932, re-establishing the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in the Constitution, and finishing the unfinished idea of Canadian independence. Which allows Canadians to correct their own Constitution without getting Britain's approval.
  • Brian Mulroney Becomes pm

    Brian Mulroney Becomes pm
    Prime Minister and leader of the Progressive Conservative party, Brian Mulroney brought in the “Landmark Free Trade Agreement” with the USA and oversaw passage of the the unpopular Goods and Services Tax. He was also marked by his effort in persuading Quebec government to sign the Constitution.
  • Bloc Quebecois Formed

    Bloc Quebecois Formed
    Is a federal political party in Canada whose main goal is to the protect Quebec's interests in the House of Commons of Canada, and the promotion of Quebec sovereignty.
  • Meech Lake Accord

    Meech Lake Accord
    The Meech Lake Accord of 1987, launched by Prime Minister Mulroney, proposed changes to recognize Quebec as a distinct society. And to give all provinces the power to veto constitutional change. Quebec gave their support.
  • Reform Party Created

    Reform Party Created
    Promised to gain Quebecs consent to the constitution.
  • Department of Multiculturalism created

    Department of Multiculturalism created
    The Canadian Multiculturalism Act is a law, passed in 1988, that aims to preserve and enhance multiculturalism in Canada.
  • Meech Lake Accord

    Meech Lake Accord
    Because both Manitoba and Newfoundland withheld their support for the Meech Lake Accord it died in 1990. The failure of the accord and the vote on whether or not Quebec was allowed to join the rest of Canada, Quebec was humiliated because of this.
  • Charlottetown Accord

    Charlottetown Accord
    Mulroney offered another pack of amendments, because he still wanted change. This answered Quebec’s concerns similarly to the Meech Lake accord. Reformed the senate to become an elected body with equal representation from each province and advocating aboriginal self-government.
  • Pari Quebecois returns to power

    Pari Quebecois returns to power
    In 1994, the Parti Quebecois defeated the Liberals in the Quebec Provincial election making Jacques Parizeau the new Premier of Quebec. They then tried to get Quebec separated from the country.
  • Referendum on Sovereignty Association

    Referendum on Sovereignty Association
    After the rejection of Charlottetown many French Canadians felt that the rest of Canada was indifferent to their wishes. In 1995, Jacques Parizeau (Premier of Quebec), held another referendum on the subject of Quebec’s sovereignty, whether or not to seperate from the rest of Canada. The "Non" side won with 50.6% of votes.
  • Clarity bill and the supreme court decision

    Clarity bill and the supreme court decision
    In 1997, the Canadian Government declared Quebec to be a "Unique Society" as part of the Calgary Declaration. However the leader of the Bloc Quebecois (Lucien Bouchard) did not attend this meeting. In 1998, the Supreme Court ruled that Quebec did not have the right to separate from the rest of Canada without the okay vote from the rest of the country (Canada).