
By sFunk1
  • 808 BCE

    The start of macedonia

    The history of the Macedonian monarchy began in 808 B.C.E. with Caranus who was the first king of Macedonia.
  • Period: 808 BCE to 65 BCE


    Macedonia was created with the first king in 808 b.c and ended in 65 B.C.E when Macedonia became a Roman province.
  • 359 BCE

    King Phillip II

    King Phillip II was made the king of Macedonia in 359 B.C which was very important because he united the southern Greek city-states with the north, and brought them all under Macedonian rule.
    King Phillip II also improved his army and began to devise plans to conquer other lands in the Mediterranean region.
  • 336 BCE

    Alexander the 3rd

    Alexander the 3rd
    Alexander is the king of Macedonia in 336. He lead the Macedonian army into Asia and attacked the Persian army, Alexander the 3rd was successful in the attack and conquered Persia. After that Macedonia becomes the largest empire in Europe going from Europe to north Africa.
  • 323 BCE

    The death of Alexander the Great

    After the death of Alexander the Great in 323 B.C.E., the empire was divided by four of his top generals. Over the next century, these territories experienced a series of internal power struggles and civil wars, as different factions conflicted with each other for control of these lands. Which was bad because this divided the power of Macedonia.
  • 146 BCE

    The end of macedonia

    Rome took over the Macedonian lands and the Macedonian kingdom ceased to exist. By 146 B.C.E., Macedonia became a Roman province. By 65 B.C.E.
  • 30 BCE

    The last macedonia descendants

    The Roman victory over Cleopatra VII puts an end to the last of the Macedonian descendants in Egypt, and with it to the last remains of the Macedonian Empire.
  • 300

    Antigonus the 2nd

    Antigonus the 2nd
    Antigonus looses to Greece and is reduced to the borders it had before Alexander the great. In the third Macedonian war, Rome defeats Macedonia and Rome conquers. This is the beginning of the fall of Macedonia.
  • 395

    Macedonia rebirth

    Macedonia rebirth
    The Roman empire splits into the West and East and Macedonia goes to the Eastern Byzantine which is a huge continent stretching over three continents. The Byzantine rulers are all Roman but over time the Macedonian people take over.
  • 855

    Cyril and Methodius

    Cyril and Methodius
    Cyril and Methodius are brothers who worked together to make the very first Slavonic alphabet and promote Christianity among the Slavic people.
  • 867

    Basil the Macedonian

    Basil the Macedonian
    Basil is the first Macedonian to become a Byzantine emperor. The empires most successful point is called the 'Golden age'. The Macedonians now rule another empire.
  • 976

    Rebellion Against Bulgarian Authority

    Rebellion Against Bulgarian Authority
    In the weakening of the by the Byzantine empire the Macedonian Slavs rebelled against the Bulgarian authority. Tsar Samuel creates a strong Macedonian empire with the center at Ohrid.