The withches meet Macbeth to convice him that he is Thane of Cawdor, Thane of Glamis, and King hereafter. -
Macbeth kills King Duncan so he can become King. -
After Macbeth kills King Duncan, Macbeth is handed the throne, and becomes King. -
Banquo and Fleance
After Macbeth insists that Banquo and Fleance come to his feast, Macbeth arranged murderers to kill Banquo and his son Fleance. The muderers kill Banquo but Fleance escapes. -
Macduff's family is killed
After Macbeth kills Macduff's family, Macduff decides he wants revenge and teams up with Malcolm to go kill him. -
Lady Macduff
Macbeth decides he is going to act bodly so he sets off to kill Macduff, Lady Macduff and her son. -
Lady Macbeth
Before the battle has started Macbeth heard a scream from inside the castle and the messenger tells Macbeth his wife is dead. -
The battle between Macdufff and Macbeth has began. In the battle things go against Macbeth because no one wants to fight for him. -
Macbeth dies.
Macduff challanges him in the fight untill Macbeth says he is wasting his time. No man born of woman can harm him but Maduff tells him that he was born through a C section. He relizes he was defeated and the witches were misleading him. Maduff kills Mecbeth and takes his head to Malcolm. -
Macduff becomes king
Malcolm invited the other Lords to scone where he was crowed King.