
Macbeth Prophecy Timeline

  • First set of prophecies

    First set of prophecies
    Three witches give Macbeth prophecies that he'll be Thane of Cawdor and King of Scotland. The witches also give Banquo prophecies that he'll be lesser than Macbeth but greater, not so happy, yet much happier, and that his descendants will be king but he will not.
    "All hail, Macbeth,that shalt be king hereafter"
  • First prophecy comes true

    First prophecy comes true
    After hearing the prophecies, Macbeth gets news that the Thane of Cawdor was executed and he's the new Thane of Cawdor so this fulfills the first prophecy for Macbeth. After this Macbeth gets an idea.
    "What, can the devil speak true?"
  • Meet the witches

    Meet the witches
    We meet the witches. The witches are responsible for the prophecies they tell Macbeth and Banquo. They plan on meeting Macbeth after the battle.
    "Fair is foul, and foul is fair"
  • Second prophecy comes true

    Second prophecy comes true
    Macbeth kills King Duncan to fulfill his second prophecy that said he was going to be king. Macbeth become king
    "Is this a dagger which I see before me, The handle toward my hand?"
  • Banquo Dies

    Banquo Dies
    Banquo dies because of the prophecies that said his descendants will be king, so Macbeth tries to get rid of Banquo and his son Fleance but his son Fleance escapes.
    "O treachery! Fly, good Fleance, fly, fly, fly!Thou may 'st revenge -O slave!"
  • Banquo's Ghost

    Banquo's Ghost
    Macbeth see's Banquo's ghost at the banquet and gets scared. The ghost disappears.
    "It will have blood; they say, blood will have blood"
  • Macbeth gets three other prophecies

    Macbeth gets three other prophecies
    Macbeth gets three other prophecies. Macbeth should beware of Macduff, can't be hurt from anyone born of a women, and he will never be defeated until Birnam Wood goes to Dunsinane Hill.
    "none of woman born shall harm Macbeth."
  • Third apparition's prophecy come true

    Third apparition's prophecy come true
    Birnam Wood is moving towards Dunsinane Hill. Malcolm and the thanes are coming toward Macbeth's castle.
    "Macbeth shall never vanquished be until great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill shall come against him"
  • Battle at Dunsinane Hill

    Battle at Dunsinane Hill
    The battle at Macbeth's castle is happening
  • The other prophecies come true and Macbeth dies

    The other prophecies come true and Macbeth dies
    Macbeth finds out Macduff was born of a C-section so he knows he's about to die. Macbeth fears Macduff because he knows what the apparitions told him to fear Macduff and that he wasn't born of a women. Macbeth dies. Malcolm is now king.
    "Yet I will try the last. Before my body I throw my warlike shield. Lay on, Macduff, and damned be him that cries, "Hold, enough!" "