Macbeth 1


  • Period: Jul 1, 1340 to Aug 10, 1340


  • Jul 20, 1340

    Double Bubble, Boil and trouble...

    The three witches meet in a heath, organising where and when they would meet Macbeth to give him a prophecy.
  • Period: Jul 20, 1340 to Aug 8, 1340


  • Jul 21, 1340

    Macbeth - brave soldier, Thane of Cawdor, Thane of Glamis, and all round good guy

    King Duncan, hearing of Banquo and, more importantly, Macbeth's valient bravery in battle, awards the Thane of Glamis (Macbeth) the greater title of Thane of Cawdor after the old Thane turns out to be a traitor. Messengers rush off to give Macbeth the good news.
  • Jul 23, 1340

    Duncan discovered dead...and Macbeth is made king!

    MacDuff discovers Duncan's corpse and Macbeth is crowned king.
    " What bloody man is that? He can report,
    As seemeth by his plight, of the revolt..."
    this links to the power and ambition by MacDuff wanting to be king so he was thankful when MacDuff passed away.
  • Jul 25, 1340

    MacDuff flees

    MacDuff, flees to England and plots to kill Macbeth.
    " I believe drink gave thee the lie last night."
  • Jul 27, 1340

    Another murder in the works...

    Banquo makes a realisation that if Macbeth's prophecies have come true, maybe his will too. Macbeth now thinks he must kill his friend Banquo and his son Fleance in order to stop him producing heirs that will kick him off the throne.
  • Jul 31, 1340

    At a big feast, Macbeth sees Banquo's ghost at the table

    ...Macbeth's starting to get a little crazy....
  • Aug 4, 1340

    Macbeth drops in on his witchy friends

    Macbeth goes down to talk to the witches again, who give him 3 more prophecies:- Beware MacDuff-Nobody born from a woman will ever harm Macbeth.-Macbeth will never be defeated until Birnam Wood marches to fight you at Dunsinane Hill.and with this, Macbeth feels pretty smug
  • Aug 6, 1340

    Lady Macbeth goes a little cuckoo....

    A doctor and servant spot Lady Macbeth walking in her sleep. She seems to be washing her hands, trying to get blood off them.She then reads the letter he sent her ages ago and kills herself.
  • Aug 7, 1340

    MacDuff's army starts to get ready for battle

    MacDuff's army prepares for battle, cutting down trees from the forest of Birnam Wood (which is what the witches predicted) and using it as camoflage as they walk towards the castle.
    "If you shall cleave to my consent, when 'tis,
    It shall make honour for you."
  • Aug 8, 1340

    MacDuff the Buff is KIng!

    Now Macbeth is dead, MacDuff becomes King of Scotland.
    "So foul and fair a day I have not seen"