La Tentación
Macbeth, a general of the Scottish army, after coming victoriously from an uprising, hefound three witches that told him events that will occur in your future., after hearing Duncan of its victory in the battle. Also it predicts that it will become king. For his part, Banquo, after insisting that they reveal something more to him, he also heard that his descendants would accede to the throne . -
La conspiración
Macbeth , upon reaching his castle, he tells to her wife what happened , and both, decided to murder Duncan so they will be able to become the prediction of the witches true . The king, after having invited himself to honor Macbeth, when everybody was in Macbeths´home, Macbeth doubts to perform such a macabre murder. finaly Macbeth retracts and Lady Macbeth decides to finish what they had already planned -
La Ejecución
Macbeth led a kill the end. Eclipsed by the horrible event, he feels unable to react as Lady Macbeth who snatches from his hands the daggers and puts them in the hands of the servants who are asleep -
El arrepentimiento
When the news was published, the king's sons decide to fly to England,because of that ,they become main suspects of this way is fulfilled the third revelation of the witches. Macbeth decides to hire some assassins to finish with Banquo and Fleance. The assassins only managed to kill Banquo . When Macbeth was informed about it.he lived moments of madness. Soon he met with the witches again who told him that he would not be defeated -
La venganza
The protagonist orders to kill McDduff¨s family, who was trying to fly to England with Malcolm, and both decide to avenge their family with the help of the king of England, on the other hand, Lady Macbeth was becoming more ill. Macbeth is informed of the death of Lady Macbeth . Finally the English army joined Macbeth´s army were not faithful and fought against Macbeth who is defeated by McDuff