
By Lange55
  • Jan 1, 1414

    Meeting The Witches

    Meeting The Witches
    Act 1 Scene 1
    Thunder and lightning crashing in the background sets the mood for this play. The witches chanting and spells set the tone of the play. Without the witches there would be no main point in the play because they set all the spells and tell Macbeth about the prophecies and what he is going to face in the future. The witches plan on meeting Macbeth after the war is over and tell him about the prophecies. "When the battle's lost and won." Line 4
  • Period: Jan 1, 1414 to Dec 31, 1414


  • Jan 3, 1414

    Duncan wins the battle

    Duncan wins the battle
    Act 1 Scene 2
    King Duncan, heard about banquoe and Macbeth's bravery in battle, Macbeth is then awarded the Thane of Glami, the greater title of Thane of Cawdor after the old Thane turns out to be a traitor. Messengers rush off to give Macbeth the good news.
  • Jan 7, 1414

    The Witches Tell Macbeth About The Prophecies

    The Witches Tell Macbeth About The Prophecies
    Act 1 Scene 3
    Macbeth and Banquo were on their way to Forres when they came across the witches. The witches tell Macbeth he will be the Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor and King of Scotland.The witches then tell Banquo he will be both lesser and greater than Macbeth, not so happy but happier, not king himself but father of a line of kings. The witches then vanish leaving Macbeth and Banquo questioning what they were just told."Say from whence You owe this strange intelligence?" Line 73
  • Jan 8, 1414

    Macbeth Becomes Thane of Cawdor

    Macbeth Becomes Thane of Cawdor
    Act 1 Scene 3
  • Jan 9, 1414

    Macbeth writes a letter to his wife

    Macbeth writes a letter to his wife
    Act 1 Scene 5
  • Jan 11, 1414

    Macbeth and Lady Macbeth come up with a plan to kill Duncan

    Macbeth and Lady Macbeth come up with a plan to kill Duncan
    Act 2 Scene 1
  • Jan 12, 1414

    Duncan go's to Machbeths castle

    Duncan go's to Machbeths castle
    Act 1 Scene 6
  • Jan 14, 1414

    Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth to murder Duncan already

    Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth to murder Duncan already
    Act 1 Scene 7
    Lady Macbeth gets the servants drunk and then they pass out. while duncan is asleep macbeth murders him. he then brings the dagger back to his wife and starts feeling guilty of what he has recently done.
  • Jan 15, 1414

    Macbeth murders Duncan

    Macbeth murders Duncan
    Act 2 Scene 2
  • Jan 17, 1414

    Donalbain and Malcom escape to Ireland & England

    Donalbain and Malcom escape to Ireland & England
    Act 2 Scene 3
  • Jan 18, 1414

    Macbeth is king of Scotland

    Macbeth is king of Scotland
    Act 2 Scene 4
  • Jan 19, 1414

    Macbeth hires people to kill Banquo

    Act 3 Scene 1
  • Jan 20, 1414

    At Macbeths party Banquo's ghost appears

    At Macbeths party Banquo's ghost appears
    Act 3 Scene 4
    At the party Macbeth sees Banquos ghost.He starts worrying that Fleance will come back and try to get revenge.When he finds out that Fleance had escaped he starts worrying even more making his guests leave the party. Lady Macbeth tries comforting him but he is angry at Macduff and tells his wife he is going to find the witches. "I will to-morow And betimes i will to the weird sisters"163 This is an important scene because it drives the play and shows Macbeth starting to worry more.
  • Jan 21, 1414

    Macbeth tracks down the witches and they tell him apparitions

    Macbeth tracks down the witches and they tell him apparitions
    Act 4 Scene 1
    Macbeth goes to the witches and demands they tell him more. Macbeth is very cocky at this point of the play and thinks that nothing can defeat him. The prophecies the witches told him this time were a head wearing a battle helmet, a blood-covered child, and a child wearing a crown and carrying a tree. The witches tell him he will be defeated when the birnam wood moves towards his castle."That will never be: who can impress the forest, bid the tree Unfix his earth-bound root?" 103
  • Jan 22, 1414

    Macduffs family is killed

    Macduffs family is killed
  • Jan 23, 1414

    Malcolm and Macduff plan to kill Macbeth

    Malcolm and Macduff plan to kill Macbeth
  • Jan 24, 1414

    Lady Macbeth kills herself

    Lady Macbeth kills herself
  • Jan 25, 1414

    The Castle gets invaded and Macbeth gets killed

    The Castle gets invaded and Macbeth gets killed
    Macduffs army starts cutting down trees and using them as camouflage to attack Macbeths castle as they start walking towards it.
  • Jan 26, 1414

    Malcolm is King

    Malcolm is King