
  • Nov 9, 1467


    The Witches talk and decide they shall meet again when the battle is over
  • Nov 9, 1467


    The battle between Scotland and Norway rages on as Macbeth unleashes his fury on the battlefield.
    King Duncan speaks with an injured soldier who tells him of Macbeth's exploits.
  • Nov 10, 1467

    Witches meet Macbeth

    The Witches meet Macbeth and Banquo as they walk together.
    The Witches tell Macbeth and Banquo about their future.
    Specifically, that Macbeth will be king, and Banquo will be father to a line of kings.
  • Nov 20, 1467

    Back at Forres...

    King Duncan is back at his castle and talks to various noblemen regarding the aftermath of the war and the execution of the former Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth is made the new Thane of Cawdor.
    Malcom is made Prince of Cumberland.
  • Dec 20, 1467

    At Castle Inverness

    Macbeth has sent a letter to Lady Macbeth regarding him becoming Thane of Cawdor. He also tells her of the witches prophecy and that King Duncan is visiting them.
  • Dec 21, 1467

    Duncan arrives at Inverness

    Duncan arrives at Inverness and Lady Macbeth hosts a huge party to celebrate his arrival. There is much food and drink.
  • Dec 21, 1467

    Macbeth murders Duncan

    Lady Macbeth further convinces Macbeth to kill Duncan despite his doubts. He goes through with it, but fails to plant the daggers on his guards bodies, so she goes back to do it.
  • Dec 21, 1467

    Macbeth arrives at Inverness

    Macbeth talks to his wife, she persuades him into killing Duncan in order to become king.
  • Dec 22, 1467

    Others discover Duncan's body

    Macduff and Lenox arrive to wake the King and continue on their journey, but discover his dead body. Macbeth acts as if he has no knowledge of what happened and slays Duncan's guards out of "anger".
  • Dec 22, 1467

    The Old man

    Ross speaks with an old man, who tells him that in all his years he has never seen something as terrible as Duncan's murder.
  • Jan 10, 1468

    Macbeth's Coronation

    Macbeth is crowned King of Scotland after Duncan's sons fled the country. Banquo remembers the prophecy and sees it has come true, but has suspicions as to how Macbeth obtained the title.
  • Jan 10, 1468

    Banquo's murder

    Banquo is murdered by Macbeth's hired men, but his son Fleance escapes.
  • Jan 10, 1468

    Macbeth plans Banquo's death

    Macbeth talks to two murderers and tells them to kill Banquo as he returns later that evening.
  • Jan 10, 1468

    Banquo's ghost appears!

    Banquo's ghost appears at the feast celebrating Macbeth becoming king. Macbeth's outbursts frighten his guests.
  • Jan 15, 1468

    A heath

    The witches meet again and talk to Hecate, their goddess about what they've done regarding Macbeth's prophecy.
  • Jan 18, 1468

    Lennox and a Lord meet

    Lennox and another lord talk about Duncan's sons fleeing to England and how they're raising an army, apparantly to overthrow Macbeth.
  • Feb 2, 1468

    Macbeth talks to the Witches

    Macbeth seeks the witches out and wants to know more about what will happen in his future. They call forth three visions, giving Macbeth information and warnings regarding his future.
  • Feb 12, 1468

    Lady Macduff's murder

    Lady Macduff talks to Ross about her husband fleeing to England. They are then murdered by men hired by Macbeth as an attempt to get at Macduff.
  • Feb 20, 1468

    Macduff arrives in England

    Malcom and Macduff speak regarding Macbeth and their plan to assault his castle and overthrow him.
    Ross then enters and informs Macduff of his family's murder. This drives him even more to take out Macbeth.
  • Feb 26, 1468

    Lady Macbeth sleepwalks

    A doctor and one of Lady Macbeth's servants observe her sleepwalking and attempting to wash invisible blood from her hands. She also reveals details about the various murders that her and her husband have had carried out.
  • Mar 3, 1468

    Joining forces

    Several Scottish noblemen prepare their men and start the march to join the English forces near Burnam Wood.
  • Mar 6, 1468

    Macbeth prepares for war

    Macbeth learns of the forces approaching Dunsinane and prepares his own men. He also learns of Lady Macbeth's illness and largely disregards it as an issue.
  • Mar 10, 1468

    The English and Scottish forces

    The joined armies march for Dunsinane to bring down Macbeth.
  • Mar 11, 1468

    Lady Macbeth's death

    Lady Macbeth kills herself, Macbeth doesn't seem affected and says she should of picked a better time for it.
  • Mar 15, 1468

    Nearing Dunsinane

    The English army nears Dunsinane and prepares for battle.
  • Mar 16, 1468

    The armies clash

    The battle has begun and Macbeth and Macduff fight through each other's armies, looking for one another.
  • Mar 16, 1468

    Young Siward dies

    Macbeth slays young Siward during the battle.
  • Mar 16, 1468

    The fall of Macbeth

    Macbeth and Macduff fight. Macbeth has no fear at first, due to what he learned from the visions shown to him by the witches. He then learns that Macduff was not "of woman born". Knowing he can be harmed, he is slightly afraid, but decides he cannot backdown. They fight and Macduff takes his head.
  • Mar 16, 1468

    Malcom is hailed as King

    Malcom is hailed as King of Scotland after Macbeth has been slain.