Macbeth and Banquo meet the three witches and are told that Macbeth will become Thane of Cawdor and eventually King and Banquo's sons would be kings someday. -
Thane for sure
Macbeth and Banquo return home and Macebth finds out that Duncan (the king) has made him Thane. -
Speed it up
Macbeth goes home to Lady Macbeth and tells her of the prophesy. She gets excited and wants to speed up to the part where Macbeth becomes king. She plans to "speed it up" by murdering Duncan when he comes for dinner that night. -
The First Murder
When King Duncan came that night for dinner, Lady Macbeth drugged him and mudered him and blammed the servents for it. When Duncan's sons come and find out he is dead, Lady Macbeth and Macbeth kill the servents in a "blind rage." The sons flee to England and Ireland. -
The Second Murder
Macbeth feels like he is on top of the world at this point and he wants his sons to become kings to. He knows that the witche's prophesy said that Banquo's sons would become king so sends someone to murder Banquo, but Fleance, Banquo's son, is able to flee. -
Banquo's return
Banquo is not pleased with being murdered by Macbeth so he comes back to haunt him at a dinner party and scares him half to death. -
The 2nd Set of Prophsies
Macbeth goes back to the witches for more knoledge. This time they tell him to fear Macduff, to not fear any man born of a woman, and that he will fall only when a forest marches to the castle. -
Crazy Lady Macbeth
Lady Macbeth goes crazy from the guilt of killing Duncan and dies. Macbeth is unphased by this because there is a "forest" marching towards his kingdom. This "forest" is Malcom's army. -
Sorry Macbeth
Macbeth goes into battle against the "forest" and ends up battling Macduff. Macduff defeats him because he is mad about Macbeth killing his whole family. Macduff was born through a c -section, so technically he was not born of a woman which completes the prophesies of the witches. Malcom becomes king and all is well.