Mabo Decision- Abbie

  • Townsville treaty conference

    Townsville treaty conference discussed bringing a definitive high court decision on land rights.
  • Period: to

    Mabo Decision

  • First court action

    First court action was filed against the state of Queensland and the commonwealth.
  • Queensland Islands Declaratory Act

  • High court challenges the Queensland Islands Declaratory Act

    The High court challanged how valid the Queensland Islands Declaratory Act of 1985 is.
  • The Mabo trail continues

    The Queensland Islands Declaratory Act invalid because it was inconsistent with the racial discrimination act 1975. The Mabo case was able to continue
  • Edward Koiki Mabo Dies

    Eddie Mabo dies in Brisbane from cancer at the age of 56
  • The decision

    the high court recognized native title as a part of Australian Land Law
  • The Native title act 1993 passed

  • The Native title act commences

  • Funding was established

    The Indigenous Land Corporation and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Fund were established.
  • First Native claim to main land

    The first claim to the Australian mainland was made by the Dunghutti people
  • The Wik people

    The high court decides that native title is not canceled out by the grant of pastoral lease and that they can co-exist
  • Amended Wik plan

    Government released the Amended Wik ten point plan, this foreshadowed major amendments to the NTA.
  • Native Title Amendment Act

    the Native Title Amendment Act passed, The act made substantial changes to the future act regime.