Proclamation of neutrality
The Proclamation of neutrality was an act put in place by George Washington on April 22, 1793. This act stated that the U.S would remain neutral during the times France and Great Britain were fighting each other. -
XYZ Affair
The XYZ Affair was an incident between the U.S and the French. The U.S government sent 2 diplomats to help solve the problems for these two countries. The French and brought 3 diplomats and then demanded a bribe. This did not sit well for the American people. They were angered by hearing this had happened and then came an undeclared war upon the French. John Adams had instead decided to keep on trying to come to an agreement, and eventually, they did. This led to the Treaty of Morefontainte -
The convention of 1800 / Treaty of Mortefontaine
This event was the Treaty that was signed to end an undeclared war between the French and U.S. This undeclared war had happened because the French were taking American Ships. After this treaty was signed the French agreed to recapture U.S ships and give them back, the U.S had also agreed to pay its citizens $20 million dollars for damages caused by France on U.S ships. -
Louisiana Purchase
The Louisiana Purchase was the addition of the Louisiana territory to the U.S. They bought this land from the French, which cost 15 million dollars. This purchase had doubled the size of the U.S at tye time. -
Embargo Act
The Embargo act was an act that did not allow American ships to trade in any foreign port. This led to some people smuggling materials, this act had also lowered the colony and would have continued to lower it if he kept being enforced. -
War of 1812
The war of 1812 was bought between the U.S and the U.K. This war was bought because of violations of the United States' maritime rights. This had ended due to the Treaty of Ghent being implemented. -
Treaty of Ghent
The treaty that ended the War of 1812 between the U.S. and Great Britain. This treaty was set up to make peace between the nations and avoid further conflicts. All conquered territory was returned to the rightful ownership. -
Monroe Doctrine
The Monroe Doctrine is known as the best U.S.policy toward the Western Hemi. It was a routine doctrine given to congress by former President James Monroe, stating that The U.S would no longer allow further European colonization or puppet monarchs.