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M.Baker-Week 3 Timeline-John Dewey

By MDB3985
  • Born in Burlington, Vermont

    Born in Burlington, Vermont
  • Accepted a teaching position at the University of Michigan and wrote his first two books

    Accepted a teaching position at the University of Michigan and wrote his first two books
    After obtaining his doctorate in Philosophy from John Hopkins University, Dewey accepted a teaching position at the University of Michigan. While there, Dewey wrote his first two books "Psychology" in 1887 and "Leibniz's New Essays Concerning the Human Understanding-A Critical Exposition" in 1888.
  • Founded a Laboratory School at the University of Chicago

    Founded a Laboratory School at the University of Chicago
    In 1894 Dewey moved on to the University of Chicago, where he founded and directed a laboratory elementary school. There he taught his ideas of pedagogical method. Which went on to be one of the most distinguished primary schools, of the progressive education movement. Encyclopedia of Educational Theory and Philosophy, ed. D.C. Phillips. Thousend Oaks, CA: Sage 2014. Vol. 2. Pp. 455-458.
  • Wrote his first major work on education "The School and Society"

    Wrote his first major work on education "The School and Society"
    A series of lectures, discussing the way in which education is tied to a thriving democracy. It also discussed the way the old education model, for elementary schools, did not encourage exploration and curiosity with its students.
  • Wrote "Democracy and Education"

    Wrote "Democracy and Education"
    Here Dewey addresses the challenge of providing quality public education, in a democratic society. His theory was that education was formed and transformed by experience, reflection and hands on activity.
  • Published "Logic: The Theory of Inquiry"

    Published "Logic: The Theory of Inquiry"
    Dewey's development of ideas, regarding the nature of logical theory. Its objective was to help to clarify the process and the development of skills for inquiry, in the context of decision making.
  • Co-Authored Book "Knowing and the Known"

    Co-Authored Book "Knowing and the Known"
    In his final works, written at the age of 90, "Knowing and the Known" was a series of essays and collaborations with Arthur F. Bentley, emphasizing the unity of "Thought" and the "Thinker" functioning in one process, of traditional idealism. Mays, W. (1952). Knowing and the Known. By John Dewey and Arthur F. Bentley. (The Beacon Press. Boston. 1949. Pp. xiii 334. Price $4.0.). Philosophy, 27(102), 263-265. doi:10.1017/S0031819100034112
  • Died in New York, N.Y. at the age of 92

    Died in New York, N.Y. at the age of 92