Lynn Nottage

  • The birth of Lynn Nottage

    The birth of Lynn Nottage
    Nottage was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1964. Her mother was a school teacher and her father was a phycologist. Which she was heavily influenced by both of them to start advocating.
  • First play

    First play
    Nottage wrote her first play at the age of 8 Years old. She was inspired by lots of women who were activist and artist including her grandmother.
  • Brown University

    Brown University
    Nottage received her B.A. degree in 1986 at Brown University
  • Yale School of Drama

    Yale School of Drama
    She continued her studies and received her M.F.A. degree in playwriting at Yale School of Drama in 1989.
  • Family

    Lynn Nottage is married to Tony Gerber and have 2 children together Rudy Gerber and Melkamu Gerber
  • Career Began

    Nottage became a full-time playwright in the 1990s after spending four years at Amnesty International as national press officer. As she began she started with a play called , "My Name is Still Alice".
  • Intimate Apparel

    Intimate Apparel
    Intimate Apparel is a feminist play where the clothes being worn on the women represents their success, culture, beauty etc.
    Her inspiration to this play was her grandmother who, "had once told me about her mother corresponding with a man laboring on the Panama Canal, who would eventually become her husband"
  • Achievements

    Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Play is given to Nottage on her play Ruined
  • Traveling to East Africa

    Traveling to East Africa
    Nottage traveled with theatre director Kate Whoriskey to East Africa to interview Congolese refugee women. This was a very hard interview because of the amount of victims of rape and brutality was very emotional for Nottage. This would later influence the play Ruined.
  • Fabulation, or the Re-Education of Undine

    Fabulation, or the Re-Education of Undine
    This play was intended for message to the audience in which the impossibility of removing oneself from the past.
  • Ruined published

    Ruined published
    The play ruined is about advocating for women in the Dominican Republic Congo during wartime rape and brutality. She quotes lots of women at the time who experienced these brutal times.
  • Achievements

    Nottage's achievement was recognized with the 2009 Pulitzer Prize for Drama.
  • By the Way, Meet Vera Stark

    By the Way, Meet Vera Stark
    In this play Nottage wanted to show the Hollywood racial stereotypes given in a funny or irrelevant way.
  • Sweat published

    Sweat published
    Sweat and its characters are based on Nottage’s personal research and interviews conducted in Reading during a time where factory jobs were outsourced to other countries because of the North American Free Trade Agreement.“Sweat tells the story of hard-working, loyal, strong individuals who are members of a rich and deep history; all they want is their share of the American Dream that was promised to them.”
  • Milma's Tale

    Milma's Tale
    Nottage describes this tale, "as journey through memory, fear, tradition, and the penumbra between want and need. In a way portraying situations we as human go through.
  • Nottage & Ruby Aiyo Covid-19 Interview

    Nottage & Ruby Aiyo Covid-19 Interview
    This interview was about how Covid-19 impacted her Broadway shows in having to close them. Some important plays such as Intimate Apparel and MJ. On the other hand, her daughter Ruby Aiyo experienced lack of support during the transition of in-person class to online classes.
  • Achievements

    Lynn Nottage is officially announced the only women to receive two Pulitzer awards
  • MJ: The Musical

    MJ: The Musical
    This play at the start was very rough due to Covid-19 the theatres at the time were closed. But, then started to slowly rise up ending up as the top 10 Tony Awards
  • MJ interview with Nottage

    MJ interview with Nottage
    Nottage believe she can relate to her with Michael on work ethnic and wanted to make a play write about work ethnic and being a race other than white can be difficult. Nottage hopes to deliver a piece for the next generation to use their voices.
  • Clyde's

    Clyde's' is a play about people trapped in a liminal space. It is also about community, healing, creativity, mindfulness and forgiveness. Right now dealing with a lot of people in this generation who lack these problems.
  • What is Nottage doing right now?

    Lynn Nottage is a professor teaching play writes at Columbia University