He was born in Stonewall Texas -
He went to Johnson City Highschool and went to college at Texas State University, he was in the Navy and the Naval Reserve. -
He Married Claudia (Lady Bird) Taylor, Johnson -
Military experience
LBJ was appointed Lieutenant Commander in the U.S. Naval Reserve. He was sent to fight the Japanese 3 days after Pearl harbor. -
LBJ was never Divorced -
Birth of Children
Lynda Bird Johnson was born on March 19, 1944, born in Washington D.C. she has 3 kids and her Husbin is governer. -
Birth of child
Luci Baines Johnson was born on July 2, 1947, she was born in Washington D.C.
and she has 4 kids and was married twice -
Political Party
LBJ was a Democrat and joined 1960, and he was the president after JFK's assassination. -
Jobs or Carers
LBJ was the Vice President for JFK, and was a school teacher. -
Laws developed
Civil rights bills, passed in 1964, in the senate, and law banned racial discrimination -
Date Elected to office
LBJ was elected to the office to become president, November 3, 1964, in stonewall texas -
Laws developed
Voting Rights Act, 1965, in the senate, and prohibited certain requirements in southern states used to disenfranchise African Americans. -
News Worthy Event
LBJ sent troops to the Dominican Republic -
News worthy events
Malcolm X was assassinated -
News worthy events
Selma to Montgomery march -
News worthy events
MLK jr assassinated -
Date lbj left office
January, 1969 -
News Worthy Events After Office
Richard Nixon in office -
Location of retirement
He retired to his Texas ranch in Stonewall Texas -
News Worthy Event After Office
Boeing 747 first flite -
News Worthy Event After Office
Beatles have disbanded -
News Worthy Event After Office
Apollo 13 mission to moon Accident -
News Worthy Events After Office
First Earth Day celebrated -
News Worthy Events After Office
The US Invades Cambodia -
News Worthy Event After Office
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty -
News Worthy Events After Office
Venera 7 -
News Worthy Events After Office
Egyptian president Gamal Abdel-Nassar dies -
News Worthy Events After Office
Luna 17 and Lunokhod -
News Worthy Events After Office
Environmental Protection Agency developed -
LBJ died of a heart attack on his ranch in texas