
Lydia T

  • Oct 25, 1547

    William Shakespeare was born

    William Shakespeare was born
    William Shakspeare was born to be agreat poeat and play writer.
  • Jan 1, 1570

    Guy Fawkes was born

    Guy Fawkes was born
    living libary Guy fawks was born was born in york, Engaland. he was the son of a lawyer, however his dad died when he was 9.
  • Guy Faweks died

    Guy Faweks died
    Guy fawkes, who blew up the houses of parliament , died at the age the age of 35 after being executed .
  • Edward Jenner was born

    Edward Jenner was born
    living libary edward jenner was born in york. in 1749
  • the queen was corinated

    the queen was corinated
    The queen was corinated in 1953 after her fateher died when she was in kenya.
  • the royal wedding

    the royal wedding
    Kate Middilton married prince william at West Minster abby.