First Day Of School
It was the first day of school, Kindergarten. I was so nervous and felt like I was going to flunk the grade, plus I was super shy. -
My Baby Sister Was Born
I was home watching movies with my sisters and brother, until my older sister got a call saying that my baby sister was born. We were all SUPER excited, and quickly went to the hospital. -
I Met My Best Friend
I had transferred schools, no knowing anybody. Until I met one of my classmates and we became friends. I knew that I had her back, and she had mine. -
My Very First Nephew Was Born
My eldest sister was in the hospital, I was in school when I got the news. I ran to the bathroom and started squealing and jumping up and down. I was so happy to be an aunt. -
First Day Of Middle School
It was the first day and I had no idea were to go. I was asking for directions and were to go next. Plus, I was anxious. -
I was diagnosed with Scoliosis
My mom made me an appointment because I had a strange pain next to my spine. I went to the clinic and I found out I had scoliosis. -
My First Middle School Performance
I was in K-pop Club and we were practicing dances for Valentines Day. Sadly, on Valentines Day it had rained. So we had to reschedule. On the day of the dance, I was nervous and excited, but I felt prepared. -
I Almost Fell Off A Railing.
I was walking down the hall with my bestie, Audrie. I was looking off the edge of the railing and I almost fell to my death.
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