Lumpa Church

  • Lumpa Church Founded

    Alice Lenshina founded the Lumpa Church in Kasama, Zambia, after claiming that she received divine visions. The church was a breakaway from the United Church of Central Africa (UCZ).
  • Rapid Membership Growth

    The church's membership grew to around 50,000 followers, and spread throughout northern Zambia due to its focus on spiritual healing, baptism, and rejecting witchcraft.
  • Official Separation from UCZ

    The Lumpa Church officially broke away from the United Church of Central Africa (UCZ), establishing itself as an independent religious movement.
  • Conflict with Colonial Authorities

    Tensions increased between the Lumpa Church and the newly independent Zambian government led by Kenneth Kaunda.
  • Introduction of Lumpa Villages

    Followers began forming independent Lumpa settlements separate from local villages, increasing tensions with traditional authorities.
  • First Arrest of Alice Lenshina

    First Arrest of Alice Lenshina
    Alice Lenshina was arrested briefly by colonial authorities for refusing to register the Lumpa Church with the government.
  • Membership Reaches 100,000+

    The Lumpa Church became one of the largest religious movements in Zambia, spreading to areas like Chinsali, Isoka, and Kasama.
  • First Violent Clashes in Chinsali

    The first violent confrontations between Lumpa Church members and local villagers occurred, with reports of homes being burned down.
  • Government Orders Registration of Religious Groups

    The Zambian government required all religious groups to register under the state's authority, which the Lumpa Church refused to obey.
  • Several Lumpa Church Leaders Arrested

    June 22, 1964 – Lumpa Church leaders were arrested for organizing resistance against the government.
  • Beginning of Lumpa Uprising

    Violent clashes break out in Chinsali between Lumpa Church members and government forces after the church refused to pledge allegiance to the new Zambian government.
  • Massacres in Chinsali and Northern Provinces

    Hundreds of Lumpa members were killed by government forces as violence spread across northern Zambia.
  • Lumpa Church Gets Banned

    The Zambian government banned the Lumpa Church, forcing thousands of members into exile.
  • Peak of Lumpa Uprising

    The uprising reached its most violent point. Over 700 Lumpa Church members were killed, and many followers fled to neighboring countries like the Democratic Republic of Congo.
  • Alice Lenshina Surrenders

    Alice Lenshina surrendered to government authorities in Kasama, officially ending the uprising.
  • Zambia Gains Independence

    Tensions increases between the Lumpa Church and the newly independent Zambian government led by Kenneth Kaunda.
  • Alice Lenshina Imprisoned Without Trial

    Alice Lenshina was imprisoned in Mumbwa Prison under house arrest without any formal trial.
  • Alice Lenshina Released from Prison

    Alice Lenshina was released from prison after several years but remained under house arrest by the Zambian government.
  • Death of Alice Lenshina

    Alice Lenshina died, symbolically ending the Lumpa Church's influence.
  • Present Day

    The Lumpa Church is still banned, but influenced smaller independent Christian movements in Zambia. Its legacy remains part of Zambia's religious and political history.