I was born via vaginal birth 5:40pm on tropical December's day in 1995. I was normal in the sense of birthwieght at 7.5 pounds. San Jose, Costa Rica was my birth place and the same applies for my parents. I was their first of three children and to my father's delight I was born male.
My mother was 23yo and my father was 20yo. My parents got married 2 years later on December 13, 1997. -
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Luis' Autobiography
Allisza's Birth
My sister Allisza was born in CR, 7 Months and 6 days, premature. My mother had a infection in Kidneys which inacted doctors to recomend an emergency Ceseran Section. She was almost 4 pounds she had no hair, finger and toe nails. No incubattion was needed because she can breath on her own. She went through kangaroo care, a method of caring for premature babies in which infants are held skin-to-skin with a parent, usually the mother. This impacted me because I didnt see my mother for a month. -
Mother's Return with Allisza
At last my mother returned to nurture me. I expreienced separation anxiety according to my father but I was cared for by my grandmother while he went to work. My secure attachtment to my grandmother was just as strong for my mother. Both say I had an oral stage of Psycosocial Development due to my constant talking and eating. I was always happiest when I ate. Which is true to this day. -
The Meneses' Family migrates to the USA
My family moved from Costa Rica to TN. I went through an immediate culture change that acted as a foundation for the life I now live. I came to the US with an established culture due to my parents. I was raised hispanic and a Catholic which was exercised throughout my life here, yet through my ammalgamation with friends and family I became americanized. Because of America's diversity, my intellect became broad and matured my views as I developed into adolesence. -
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My love for Soccer
I have played soccer since I was 6yo. Childhood obesity wasnt much of an issue due to this sport. Although I loved the sport I experienced loss of self-esteem due to my coaches being hard on me because they saw my potential. This increased my stress. I at times couldnt sleep before big games due to the unpredictablitiy in performance. Regardless, it kept me healthy and in shape. -
Derek's Birth
My brother, Derek, was a fulterm birth and had a birthwieght of 7 pounds. Derek is the last child my parents will have, according to my mother. As an older brother I took it upon myself to be his guiding light. Through his birth I was boosted with maturity because my parents placed me on the top of the sibling totem pole. Cause of my Middle childhood process I began to improve in problem solving ablities through him. His birth was an incredible because I saw his development in real time. -
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Middle School and Puberty
During my middle school years I expreneiced a variety of events that all pointed towards puberty. Hormones quckly changed my life by the constant persperation and urges to find a girlfriend. Acne was a major issue during the time due to my oilier skin. I was very aggressive and was caught sneaking out of my house countless times. Along with that, I went through adolescent egocentrisim which made me think I was invinsible. I also experienced my growth spurt before I got into highschool. -
Martin Luther King Magnet High School
I was fortunate enough to attend a High School in which I had a diverse group of friends that supported me. We learned that friendship and social acceptance was important and I couldnt agree more. Habits, styles, and values reflect the separation between adults and adolescence. Most of my friends and I shared interests and values which expanded my acceptance of diversity. Moral development was also created through these expreiences I had with my great group of friends. -
Derek's ADHD Diagnosis
Due to my brother's diagnosis I have learned to be calm. Derek can not concentrate and when this occurs his anxious mind then tells him he needs to eat. Which puts him in the overwieght catagory. His oral fixation doesnt help the situtation but we have learned because of his diagnosis to eat healther. His ADHD affects me because as an older brother I strive to interact with him yet he never listens. Before his diagnosis his grades were slipping and his organizational skills suffered. -
My bestfriend became my girlfriend
Erikson's sixth psychosocial stage emphasizes, intimacy happens because humans are social creatures. Hannah, has been my best friend for a year and through getting to know her, I believe it aided our relationship. It began at attraction then a close connection after 8 months which now progressed to a healthy relationship. Our eagerness to finally accept our emotions caused a personality shift, being a deeper connection. Our Identities compliment each other which blocks out negative influences. -
20 Years of Life
I have been fortunate to have lived to 20 years of age. My personality throughout adulthood hase been created by genes, parental practices, culture, and adult circumstances that all contribute to who I am. I can say that my social convoy through friends and family have provided me with the proper path to follow in life along with my faith as well. My life is wonderful and I strive to keep it that way.