Loyalist Migration

By varun k
  • The first conflict between Acadians and British

    The French colonist sent the Acadians and they had live in Acadia which is now known as Nova Scotia. The Acadians owned Acadia since the 16th century but didn't in the 17th century. In the 17th century, The British wanted to control Acadia but only with the British in Acadia and in order to do that, they had to kill every Acadians, which they did.
  • Battle of Fort Oswego

    The Canadian military fought General Montcalm and captured the British forts. The British surrendered people. The battle was one of Frenches early victories.
  • British captured the fortress of Louisbourg

    The British captured the fortress of Louisbourg on Île Royale which led to the removal of other French positions in Atlantic, Canada.
  • Before the Battle of the Plains of Abraham

    General Wolfe chose to land at L’Anse-au-Foulon which is about 3km away from Québec City. Working in dark and silence, the boats fought against the strong currents of the St. Lawrence and landed in the advance force.
  • The end of the Battle of the Plains of Abraham

    General Wolfe died after getting shot. The British took full control over Quebec.